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Genus Diglyphosa

Genus Diglyphosa

Diglyphosa Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 336

Sympodial terrestrial plants with short to rather long rhizomes. Pseudobulbs consisting of one internode, slender, one-leaved. Leaves not sheathing at the base, glabrous, plicate, not deciduous, convolute, thin-textured. Inflorescence a terminal, few- to many-flowered raceme (very rarely branching) arising on a specialised leafless shoot. Flowers small, resupinate. Sepals free. Petals similar to the lateral sepals. Lip without spur, mobile. Column-foot present. Pollinia 2, solid, caudicles, stipe, and viscidium absent.

Northeast India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea (including Bougainville). Two species; in New Guinea one, non-endemic, species [Diglyphosa latifolia Blume].

Terrestrial in lowland and montane forest.

  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Collabiinae
  • Genus Diglyphosa
  • Burgh, W. van der and E.F. de Vogel. 1997. Revision of the orchid genera Chrysoglossym, Collabium, Diglyphosa, and Pilophyllum (subtribe Collabiinae). Orchid Monogr. 8 (1997) 135-174.

Genus Diglyphosa Blume, related to Chrysoglossum, is very rare in New Guinea. It differs from that genus, among other details, in that the column-foot lacks a spur. The dull orange flowers are not unattractive but have, according to most observers, an unpleasant smell, "like chicken shit," as one collector put it.

Genus Diglyphosa Blume contains 2 species, in New Guinea:

Diglyphosa latifolia

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Genus Diglyphosa

Diglyphosa latifolia Blume, flowers, photo P. O'Byrne, Singapore Botanic Garden cult. 1338

Genus Diglyphosa

Diglyphosa latifolia Blume, inflorescence, photo P. O'Byrne, Singapore Botanic Garden cult. 1338

Genus Diglyphosa

Diglyphosa latifolia Blume, drawing Mutsuko Nakajima, from Orchid Monogr. 8 (1997) fig. 84