Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum section Pelma (Finet) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 703. Type species: Bulbophyllum absconditum J.J.Sm.


  • Genus Dactylorhynchus Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 890
  • Genus Pelma Finet, Not. Syst. (Paris) 1 (1909) 112

Small to medium sized epiphytes. Rhizomes erect to approx. stiffly pendulous; rhizome bracts thin to thick, surface minutely colliculate to densely papillose or transversely rugate, rather persistent and finally often breaking up into transverse segments, veins rather persistent. Roots sprouting mainly near to the base of the rhizomes, growing backwards towards the substratum over or alongside the rhizome, glabrous or slightly and minutely hirsute locally. Pseudobulbs conspicuous compared to the size of the plant, 1-leafed, with shoots sprouting at or slightly above its (sub-)basal node and free, not fused to the pseudobulb. Leaves persistent, thick, veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences sprouting from or slightly above nodes along the length of the rhizome, single to few-fasciculate, 1-flowered or racemose with flowers distichous. Peduncle much shorter than the pseudobulbs, peduncle bracts 2—6, scattered but most in the basal half of the peduncle. Rachis, if present, not thickened. Flowers per inflorescence several to all open at a time; floral bracts tubular; pedicel with the basal node well above the attachment of the floral bract, shorter than the ovary. Sepals free, the lateral sepals 0.9—1.5 times as long as the median sepal; 0.1—3.1 cm long, elliptic to triangular, rounded to caudate, margins entire, glabrous (ciliate or with glandular hairs in Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon and Bulbophyllum fractiflexum); thin to thick, top often thickened; 1—7-nerved, surface glabrous. Petals 0.025—0.9 cm long, elliptic to (ob-)ovate, rhombiform or spathulate, rounded to acute, margins entire to slightly erose (distally), glabrous to finely papillose distally; thin, 1—3-nerved, surface glabrous to finely papillose distally (margins and adaxial surface with coarse, elongated papillae in Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon). Lip mobile on a thin ligament, without auricles near the ligament, undivided (3-lobed in Bulbophyllum mesodon), 0.04—0.38 cm long, elliptic to (ob-)ovate, oblong (panduriform in Bulbophyllum latipes), margins glabrous to finely papillose (with coarse, elongated papillae in Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon), surface glabrous to papillose; adaxially usually with an inconspicuous to distinct cavity immediately above the ligament (basal cavity, absent in Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon, Bulbophyllum colliferum), with two converging ridges, knobs or teeth (basal teeth), together forming a transverse wall with a notch half-way, separating it from the rest of the lip, distally to this wall with or without two hardly to distinctly converging ridges in approx. flexural position (with an additional median ridge in Bulbophyllum latipes). Column with rostellum front slightly receding between the stelidia tips to distinctly and beak-like projecting beyond them; stigma large, without keels inside, at the base usually protruding or with a tooth, column foot with the free part short or long; usually just short of the ligament with a distinct median tooth which fits into the basal cavity of the lip; stelidia shorter than 1/2 of the length of the column, or rudimentary, if present c. semi-elliptic to triangular, sometimes erose but approx. without teeth along the margins; anther with a low or high, rounded crest,in front somewhat concave or not, front margin not drawn out; pollinia 4, with the inner ones half as long as the outer ones or longer; sometimes with a single, small, easily lost stipe.

Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi, New Guinea, and West Pacific islands.

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma in New Guinea contains species 21 species (45 names); in New Guinea: 21 species.

The range extension is largely determined by that of Bulbophyllum absconditum J.J. Sm..

Montane forests up to 2800 m

  • Vermeulen, J.J., A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum sections Adelopetalum, Lepantanthe, Macrouris, Pelma, Peltopus, and Uncifera (Orchidaceae) Orchid Monographs 7 (1993) I-VI, 1-324, 6 plates.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Section Pelma

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma shares with Bulbophyllum section Peltopus the often conspicuous but not omnipresent tooth or callus on the column foot, which locks into a basal cavity in the lip. This immobilizes the lip, although the ligament itself is flexible. Section Peltopus differs in usually having a creeping rhizome; the few species with a patent rhizome have the pedicel distinctly longer than the ovary, as well as minute petals.

Bulbophyllum section Pelma contains the following 20 species and 3 subspecies.

Bulbophyllum absconditum
Bulbophyllum absconditum subsp. hastula
Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon
Bulbophyllum argoxanthum
Bulbophyllum bacilliferum
Bulbophyllum colliferum
Bulbophyllum fractiflexum
Bulbophyllum gyaloglossum
Bulbophyllum latipes
Bulbophyllum leptoleucum
Bulbophyllum leucothyrsus
Bulbophyllum macilentum
Bulbophyllum mesodon
Bulbophyllum mischobulbon
Bulbophyllum ochthochilum
Bulbophyllum oliganthum
Bulbophyllum pachytelos
Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. gorumense
Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. subcubicum
Bulbophyllum simile
Bulbophyllum stipulaceum
Bulbophyllum tanystiche
Bulbophyllum xanthochlamys

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Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum pachytelos Schltr., flower, oblique front view, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20031056

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon J.J.Verm., plant habit, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Garden Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1287, (holotype)

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon J.J.Verm., inflorescences, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Garden Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1287, (holotype)

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum argoxanthum J.J.Verm., plant habit, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030150

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum argoxanthum J.J.Verm., inflorescence, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20030150

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum colliferum J.J.Sm., stem with inflorescences, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Garden Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1525

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum oliganthum Schltr., plant habit, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Garden Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1991

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum oliganthum Schltr., flower, front view, photo P. Jongejan, collection Royal Botanic Garden Kew, cult. P. Jongejan 1991

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr. subsp. subcubicum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm., stem with inflorescences, photo A. Schuiteman, Leiden cult. 20010227

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr. subsp. subcubicum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm., flower, oblique front view, photo A. Schuiteman, Leiden cult. 20010227

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon J.J.Verm., plant habit and flower analysis, drawing J.J. Vermeulen

Genus Bulbophyllum section Pelma

Bulbophyllum argoxanthum J.J.Verm., drawing J.J. Vermeulen