Genus Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis

Genus Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis

Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne. Type species: Bulbophyllum phreatiopse J.J.Verm.

Small to medium sized epiphytes. Rhizomes creeping, sometimes straggling; rhizome bracts thin to rather thick and papyraceous, surface approx. glabrous, caducous including the veins. Roots sprouting along the rhizome, speading, approx. glabrous to finely hirsute. Pseudobulbs not fused to the pseudobulb, minute to rather small compared to the size of the plant, 1-leafed, with shoots sprouting from its basal node and free. Leaves persistent, thick, nerves inconspicuous. Inflorescences sprouting from nodes along the rhizome or from the basal node of the pseudobulb, single, racemose with flowers spirally arranged; peduncle somewhat overtopping the leaves or not peduncle bracts 4—11, scattered, the upper c. half-way the length of the peduncle or higher. Rachis not thickened. Flowers per inflorescence many or all open at a time; floral bracts not amplexicaul; pedicel with the basal node level with the attachment of the floral bract, as long as or distinctly longer than the ovary. Sepals free, elliptic to ovate-triangular, 0.3—0.55 cm long, approx. glabrous or finely papillose distally; rather thin to rather thick, 3-nerved, surface glabrous to finely papillose distally; margins entire; apex rounded to subacute; the lateral sepals not or hardly longer than the median sepal. Petals ovate to oblong, glabrous to finely papillose distally; rather thin, 1-nerved, 0.19—0.38 cm long; margins entire; apex rounded to subacute; adaxial surface glabrous to papillose distally. Lip mobile on a thin ligamentundivided, ovate(-oblong), 0.23—0.4 cm long, glabrous or finely papillose, surface glabrous or finely papillose; near the base with antrorse, rounded auricles or without auricles; adaxially near he base concave and with a triangular callus, distally continuing as an inconspicuous to distinct median ridge, with two more, longer and converging ridges in approx. flexural position; margins entire. Column with rostellum front receding in between the stelidia tips; stigma large, without keels inside, proximally not protruding; column foot with the free part short, with or without inconspicuous, small lateral teeth near the ligament; stelidia (slightly) shorter than 1/2 of the length of the column, distinct, triangular, with or without a small tooth along the upper margin, with a patent, deltoid, broadly rounded to acute wing along the lower margin; anther with an inconspicuous, rounded crest, in front not concave, front margin not drawn out; pollinia 4 with the inner ones c. half as long as the outer ones, without appendages.

Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea.

Genus Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis contains 2 accepted species (3 names); in New Guinea 1 species.

Distribution. 2 species (3 names): Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea.

Forests up to 1000 m

  • Vermeulen, J.J. 2002. A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum 2: sections Altisceptrum and Hirtula. Gard. Bull. Singapore 54: 1 – 151.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Section Phreatiopsis

Genus Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis in New Guinea contains 1 species:

Bulbophyllum phreatiopse

Bulbophyllum phreatiopse was provisionally included in section Hirtula by Vermeulen (2002: 110). The species is an odd element in that section, only partly and indistinctly showing the distinguishing set of characters. The two species included here do not satisfactorily fit in any other section, they are better kept apart with as distinguishing character the triangular callus on the adaxial side of the lip. Their phylogenetic affinity seems uncertain.

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Genus Bulbophyllum section Phreatiopsis

Bulbophyllum phreatiopse J.J.Verm., plant habit and flower analysis, J.J. Vermeulen, drawing