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Genus Liparis section Rachidibulbon

Genus Liparis section Rachidibulbon

Genus Liparis section Rachidibulbon

Rhizome creeping, with sheaths that increase in size, the final one the largest, leaf-like, tubular. Pseudobulbs wide apart, 2-leaved. Leaf not plicate, arising below the pseudobulb, not articulated with the leaf-sheath and enveloping the pseudobulb, soft herbaceous, convolute. Inflorescence terminal, erect, short, densely many-flowered; floral bract subulate. Flowers turned to all sides. Lip porrect, slightly sigmoid, strongly concave, when flattened angular-ovate, slightly cordate; basal lobules angular, rounded; margin erose; apex abruptly triangular-acuminate; apical surface pellucid-punctate, finely erose, above the base with a U-shaped, at the base rounded, in front gradually vanishing callus, with a longitudinal, linear, convex, towards the apex lower, very minutely papillose-rugulose band extending to beyond the middle of the lip, the band between the legs of the callus passing into an almost semi-orbicular concavity. Column short, broad, distinctly curved; wings obtuse.

Add details of Liparis maingayi

Genus Liparis section Rachidibulbon in New Guinea contains 2 species
and 1 variety:

Liparis maingayi
Liparis lacus

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Genus Liparis section Rachidibulbon

Liparis lacus J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, based on Stein 61