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Genus Coelogyne section Verrucosae

Genus Coelogyne section Verrucosae

Coelogyne Lindl. sect. Verrucosae Pfitzer & Kraenzl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 32 (1907) 73. Type species: Coelogyne pandurata Lindl. (chosen by Sierra et al., 2000)

Small to large epiphytes, terrestrials or lithophytes. Roots terete, glabrous . Rhizome creeping or climbing, terete, 3-14 internodes between two pseudobulbs; rhizome scales chartaceous, long persistent, densely covered with minuten scale-like hairs. Pseudobulbs close together to wide apart, in section round to strongly flattened, in outline elliptic to lanceolate or ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2-leaved; scales covering the pseudo­bulb chartaceous, with dense minute scale-like hairs, long persistent or soon disintegrating in short persistent fibres. Leaves herbaceous; petiole semi-terete, channeled, with scattered minute scale-like hairs; blade obovate to obovate-lanceolate or oblong to lanceolate, base gradually narrowing into the petiole, top acute to acuminate, main nerves 3-11, above sunken, below quite prominent, additional nerves not conspicuous. Inflorescence proteranthous or synanthous, curved from a more or less erect base, 3-35-flowered. Peduncle with scattered minute scale-like hairs. Rachis about straight to slightly zigzag, with scattered minute scale-like hairs; internodes 4-37. Bracts persistent, herbaceous, with many fine nerves and dense minute scale-like hairs on the outside, midrib not prominent, the lower 1-3 at the base of the rachis sterile, elliptic to oblong or ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, more or less appressed to the rachis, overlapping, the fertile bracts elliptic to oblong or ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, clasping the base of the pedicel, the margins in curved. Flowers medium-size to large, distichous, opening widely, more or less simultaneous, often more or less curved to one side, with scattered minute scale-like hairs on pedicel, ovary and the outside of the sepals and petals; lip in lowermost position due to curving of rachis or irregular curving or twisting of pedicel and ovary. Pedicel terete; ovary about straight to curved, terete, with 6 broad longitudinal ribs. Median sepal ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate; top acute; nerves 9-15, median nerve prominent. Lateral sepals slightly falcate to falcate, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate; top acute; nerves 7-11. Petals (obovate-)lanceolate; top acute; midrib rather prominent to slightly pronounced as a low rounded keel; nerves 3-11. Lip 3-lobed, glabrous. Hypochile boat-shaped, at the base emarginate, subtruncate or rounded; lateral lobes projecting backwards or not, in front triangular-ligulate, (broadly) rounded, with rounded to semi-orbicular apex; keels 3 with entire margin, low and rounded at the base, the median keel low, rounded, single crested, smooth, or with projections over the entire length, the lateral keels higher than the median keel, thin to thick plate-like, single- or double crested. Epichile without or with a more or less rectangular claw with straight or irregular margins; blade irregularly rectangular, quadrangular, ovate or triangular, its top truncate, retuse, acute or rounded, tip mostly acute with a small notch on either side, margins broadly and regularly undulate or finely undulate, when flattened about straight or irregular, ornamentation consisting of molar-like warts (C. asperata etc.), tooth-like warts, flattened calli, rounded papillae, or keels broken up in flat irregular teeth or warts. Column (narrowly) spathulate, with scattered minute scale-like hairs; base very slightly thickened to distinctly swollen, in front projecting into a very small to pronounced column foot, on the junction with the stalk with a low cross ridge; stalk slightly and gradually widening from the base; margins slightly winged; hood about rectangular, triangular, rounded, obovate or ovate, top truncate, rounded or broadly rounded, with slightly irregular margin. Anther about quadrangular, obovate or obcordate; base triangular or ligulate; top broadly rounded to truncate, emarginate. Pollinia four, obovate, each with an oblique central depression which becomes shallower towards the base, all connate at the base by a flattened, broadly triangular caudicle. Stigma semi-elliptic; lower margin distinctly raised; rostellum about rectangular. Fruit ellipsoid; margins flat; valves with a low keel. Seeds shortly fusiform; embryo ellipsoid.
(after Sierra et al. 2000)

Coelogyne Lindl. sect. Verrucosae Pfitzer & Kraenzl. contains 8 species distributed in Malesia (Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia to The Philippines and Papua New Guinea) the Solomon Islands and the Santa Cruz Islands. Coelogyne asperata covers the entire distribution area of the section; Coelogyne mayeriana and Coelogyne pandurata are mainly West Malesian and the other species are en­demic to Borneo, which is the centre of diversity.

Epiphytes, terrestrials or lithophytes in peat-swamp and mixed Dipterocarp lowland forest, heath forest, and montane forest, in shaded to quite exposed positions, sometimes on granite or ultramafic. Altitude 0-2050 m

  • Schltr., Feddes Repert. Beih. 1 (1911) 101
  • Butzin, Willdenowia 7 (1974) 252
  • Seidenf., Dansk Bot. Ark. 29 (1975) 66
  • Butzin in Schltr. et al., Die Orchideen IA (1992) 935
  • De Vogel, Proc. 14th World Orchid Conf. (1994) 204
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Arethuseae
  • Subtribe Coelogyninae
  • Section Verrucosae

Genus Coelogyne section Verrucosae in New Guinea contains 8 species, in New Guinea:

Coelogyne asperata

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Genus Coelogyne section Verrucosae

Coelogyne asperata Lindl., inflorescence, photo J. Meijvogel, Leiden cult. 32243