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Genus Dipodium Section Leopardanthus

Genus Dipodium Section Leopardanthus

Genus Dipodium R.Br. Section Leopardanthus (Blume) O.Kuntze, in Post & Kuntze, Lexicon Gen. Phanerog. (1904) 179. Type Species: Dipodium scandens (Blume) J.J.Sm. (basionym: Leopardanthus scandens)


  • Leopardanthus Blume, Rumphia 4 (1849) 47
  • Wailesia Lindl., J. Hort. Soc. London 4 (1849) 261. Type Species: Dipodium pictum (Lindl,) Rchb.f. (basionym Wailesia picta Lindl.)
  • Dipodium sect. Wailesia (Lindl.) Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39 (1906) 87
  • Hydranthus Kuhl & Hasselt ex Rchb.f., Xenis Orchid. 2 (1862) 20, nom. illeg. Type Species: Hydranthus scandens(Blume) Kuhl & Hasselt ex Rchb.f., nom. illeg. (basionym Leopardanthus scandens)

Genus Dipodium Section Leopardanthus


Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malesia: Malaysia (Malay Peninsula, Sarawak, Sabah), Brunai Darussalam, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands

  • O’Byrne, P. On the evolution of Dipodium. Reinwardtia 14 (2014) 123-132
  • O’Byrne, P. A taxonomic revision of Dipodium section Leopardanthus. Malesian Orchid Journal 19 (2017) 9
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Subtribe Eulophiinae
  • Genus Dipodium
  • Section Leopardanthus

Genus Dipodium section Leopardanthus in New Guinea contains 4 species and 1 subspecies (ined.):

Dipodium brassii
Dipodium brevilabium
Dipodium brevilabium subsp. 2 (ined.)
Dipodium fevrellii
Dipodium pandanum

1a. Lip up to 2x as long as the column or less == 2
1b. Lip more than 2x as long as the column == 3

2a. Lateral lobes of the lip vestigal; midlobe when flattened suborbicular == Dipodium brevilabium ssp. brevilabium
2b. Lateral lobes of the lip c. 0.15 cm long; midlobe when flattened elliptic == Dipodium brevilabium ssp.2 (ined.)

3a. Colours on the upper side of the sepals and petals, especially the spots, not faded compared with those on the backside. Calli at the base of the lip 2, low, hemispherical, separated by a deep groove; lateral lobes of the lip along inner margin 0.3 cm long or longer == Dipodium fevrellii

3b. Colours on the upper side of the sepals and petals, especially the spots, faded compared with those on the backside. Callus at the base of the lip 1, often more or less deeply longitudinally grooved; lateral lobes of the lip along inner margin 0.1-0.28 cm long == Dipodium pandanum

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Genus Dipodium Section Leopardanthus

Dipodium pandanum F.M.Bailey, flower, lateral view, photo E.F. de Vogel, from Leiden cult. s.n.