Family Orchidaceae Subfamily Orchidoideae Tribe Cranichideae Subtribe Pterostylidinae

Family Orchidaceae Subfamily Orchidoideae Tribe Cranichideae Subtribe Pterostylidinae

Pterostylidinae Pfitzer, Entwurf Anordn. Orch. (1887) 97. Type genus: Pterostylis R.Br.

Perennial terrestrials or rarely epiphytes, sympodial, herbaceous. Roots filamentous; sometimes with root-like stolons. Tubers fleshy, with new tubers produced at the end of short droppers and additional tubers produced at the end of root-like stolons, or tubers absent. Leaves petiolate or subsessile to sessile, in a basal rosette or along the stem, those on the inflorescence sometimes reduced to scale leaves. lnflorescence terminal, 1- to many-flowered. Flowers resupinate, usually without scent. Pedicel in fruit elongating or not. Median sepal overlapping the petal margins and adherent forming a hood. Lateral sepals fused in the half to 2/3rd forming a synsepalum; top parts free, tapered, or suddenly contracted and filiform. Petals asymmetric, about as long as the dorsal sepal, usually falcate; flange present or absent on dorsal surface. Lip free, triggered, mobile, attached to the column foot or column base by a short ligulate claw; blade entire or 3-lobed; basal appendage present or absent, apex trifid to penicil-shaped. Column margin with an apical lobe; median with or without trichomes; basal lobe free, the front margin ciliate; column foot present or absent; column wings fused at the base, towards the top free, 2-lobed; anther erect to incumbent; pollinia 4, free, linear to club-shaped, soft and mealy; stigma lobed; rostellum terminal. Capsule erect.
(after Jones, 2003)

Subtribe Pterostylidinae contains 1 genus distributed in The Molucccas (Ceram), New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia.

  • Royen, P. van. 1979. The alpine flora of New Guinea Vol. 2.
  • Schlechter, R. 1919 Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 16
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Orchidoideae
  • Tribe Cranichideae
  • Subgtribe Pterostylidinae

Subtribe Pterostylidinae in New Guinea contains 1 genus:


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