Family Orchidaceae Subfamily Epidendroideae Tribe Arethuseae Subtribe Coelogyninae

Family Orchidaceae Subfamily Epidendroideae Tribe Arethuseae Subtribe Coelogyninae

Coelogyninae Benth., J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 18 (1881) 287 (as 'Coelogyneae'). Type genus: Coelogyne Lindl.

Epiphytes, lithophytes, or rarely terrestrials. herbaceous, glabrous or with trichomes. Rhizomes often well developed. Stems reed-like or pseudobulbs, rarely subterranean corms (Bletilla); reed-like stems fleshy or not, branched or not, sometimes short-lived (Thunia); pseudobulbs consisting of 1 internode, 1- or 2-leaved at the apex, sometimes pseudobulbs superposed (Otochius, Pholidota 2 species), sometimes short-lived (Pleione), when young enveloped in pseudobulb scales; corms consisting of several internodes. Leaves conduplicate or more often convolute, plicate or not, deciduous; when inserted on top of a pseudobulb without a leaf sheath; leaf sheath tubular; petiole often present. lnflorescence usually a few- to many-flowered raceme, rarely a panicle (Dilochia), sometimes reduced to a single flower terminal, proteranthous, synanthous, or hysteranthous, or seemingly lateral but actually heteranthous on reduced shoots that do not develop into normal pseudobulbs and leaves; peduncle a single internode; floral bracts caducous or persistent. Flowers resupinate or not. Ovary glabrous or with indument. Median sepal usually free or all 3 sepals connate (Glomera). Lateral sepals similar to the median sepal but often oblique, rarely connate to each-other, often keeled; mentum not present. Petals free, equally wide as the median sepal or much narrower. Lip usually immobile inserted on the base of the column, sometimes hinged and mobile (mainly in Dendrochilum),sometimes adnate to the column, entire or 3-lobed; hypochile concave or often more or less saccate; sometimes with a distinct tubular spur (Bulleyia, Glomera, Ischnogyne, Thunia); epichile flat or convex; plate-like keels often present, wart-like calli mainly in Coelogyne; base of lip with nectar. Column often apically dilated and winged to hood-like, sometimes with lateral arms (Dendrochilum and Panisea, both p.p.); column foot present or not; anther helmet-shaped, 2-locular; pollinia 4, rarely 8, usually pear-shaped, soft, waxy, with thick, granular or membranous, coherent or connate caudicles; viscidium absent or indistinct, semi-liquid; stigma often cup-shaped with ralsed margins, its upper margin forming a blade-like rostellum. Fruit a capsule, ellipsoid to subglobose, sometimes winged, often opening with 3 valves and 3 jugae.
(after Schuiteman 2005)

Subtribe Coelogyninae contains 21 genera with c. 70 species in Sri Lanka, India, mainland South­east Asia, southwest China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia and the tropical Pacific islands east to Samoa. The main centers of diversity are the eastern Himalayas, southwest China, Sumatra, Borneo, the Philippines, and (for Glomera and Aglossorhyncha) New Guinea. In New Guinea 6 genera

  • Alrich, P. & Higgins, W. The Mary Selby Botnical Gardens Illustrated Dictionary of Orchid Genera. (2008) i-xxx, 1-482.
  • Bentham, G. Notes on Orchideae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 18 (1881) 281-360.
  • Butzin, F. Bestimmungsschlüssel für die in Kultur genommenen Arten der Coelogyninae (Orchidaceae). Willdenowia, 7 (1974) 245-60.
  • Clayton, D. A., The genus Coelogyne. A Synopsis (2002) i-x, 1-316.
  • Cootes, J. The orchids of the Philippines (1999).
  • De Vogel, E.F. Revisions in Coelogyninae (Orchidaceae) IV. Coelogyne section Tomentosae. Orchid Monographs 6 (1992) 1-42.
  • George, E. & George J.-C., Les Coelogynes (2011) 1-608
  • Gravendeel, B. Reorganising the orchid genus Coelogyne -- a phylogenetic classification based on molecules and morphology (2000) (i)-(iii), 1-208. Ph.D. thesis, Universiteit Leiden.
  • Lewis, B.A. and Cribb, P.J. Orchids of Vanuatu (1989).
  • Lewis, B.A. and Cribb, P.J. Orchids of the Solomon islands and Bougainville (1991).
  • Lindley, J. Folia Orchidaeca Coelogyne (1854).
  • O'Byrne, P. Lowland orchids of Papua New Guinea (1994).
  • Pfitzer, E. and Kränzlin, F. Clavis generum Coelogyninarum. In H.G.A. Engler (edit.), Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 17.
  • Pfitzer, E. and Kränzlin, F. Coelogyne. In H.G.A. Engler (edit.) Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 20-82.
  • Reichenbach, Coelogyne. Walpers Annales, 6 (1861) 222- 39.
  • Schuiteman, A. Subtribe Coelogyninae, in A.M. Pridgeon, P.J. Cribb, M.W. Chase & F.N. Rasmussen (edit.), Genera Orchidacearum Vol. 4 Epidendroideae (Part One) (2005) 29.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Arethuseae
  • Subtribe Coelogyninae

Subtribe Coelogyninae in New Guinea contains 6 genera



1a. Stems elongated, with many leaves == 2
1b. Stems short, leaves 1-4 == 4

2a. Lip with 3 or more longitudinal keels or ridges. Inflorescence elongated, 6-25 cm long, with 6-8 spaced flowers. Leaves convolute. Pollinia 4 or 8. Stems not branched == Dilochia
2b. Lip without longitudinal keels or ridges, sometimes with a longitudinal median thickening. Inflorescence short, a more or less condense capitulum or with 1-2 crowded flowers. Leaves conduplicate. Pollinia 4. Stems branched or not == 3

3a. Lip with a spur, not boat-shaped == Glomera
3b. Lip without a spur, boat-shaped == 229.Aglossorhyncha

4a. Hypochile of the lip saccate or cup-shaped. Column short and stout == Pholidota
4b Hypochile of the lip not cup-shaped. Column more or less elongated == 5

5A.Median sepal 1.8-6.5 cm long. Lip hypochile boat-shaped, with erect Iateral lobes which extend to the base of the lip and often clasp the column. Column below the apex widened, without arms == Coelogyne
5b. Flower small, median sepal 0.65-0.8 cm long. Lip hypochile not boat-shaped, with patent lateral lobes. Column below the apex with lateral arms == Dendrochilum

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