Dendrobieae Endl., Gen. Pl. (1837) 190. Type genus: Dendrobium Sw.
Epiphytes, lithophytes, or rarely terrestrials, sympodial, herbaceous. Stems cane-like, few-to many-leaved, or pseudobulbs 1-to many-leaved, heteroblastic or homoblastic. Leaves distichous, conduplicate, glabrous or rarely pubescent or papillose; leaf sheath present or not. Inflorescence basal, lateral or terminal, 1 flowered or racemose, rarely branched. Flowers resupinate or not, minute to large, ephemeral to long-lasting; distichous, secund or helically arranged; fragrant or scent-less. Sepals entire, free or connate; mentum present or absent. Petals entire or variously divided, free. Lip free or adnate to the column foot, immobile or hinged by a ligament and mobile, entire or lobed, with or without keels and/or calli, without spur. Column usually straight, with or without lateral wings or stelidia; column foot usually well-developed, rarely reduced to almost absent; anther helmet-shaped, rarely horn like and elongate, with 2-loculi; pollinia usually 4, sometimes 2, usually oblong and laterally flattened, hard waxy, if 4 then cohering in 2 pairs, each pair with subequal to strongly unequal pollinia, without caudicles, rarely with a hamular stipe in some Bulbophyllum species; stigma concave, rarely with a raised lower margin; rostellum simple, usually short, but sometimes beak-like and elongate; a well-defined, detachable viscidium usually absent, when present semiliquid or rarely solid. Pedicel and ovary terete or winged. Capsule ellipsoid, oblong, obovoid to subglobose, 1-locular, sometimes winged or triangular in cross-section, without endocarpic elaters.
(after Schuiteman 2014)
Tribe Dendrobieae, with about 3650 species, is pantropical and consists of 2 genera: Bulbophyllum which occurs in all continents and Dendrobium which is absent from Africa and America. Both genera have their centre of speciation in Southeast Asia and Australasia, especially in New Guinea where for each gnus almost 30% of all species occurs.
Tribe Dendrobieae in New Guinea contains 2 genera:
Inflorescences lateral or terminal on the stem or pseudobulb. Stem cane-like or a pseudobulb with 1 to many nodes; if 1-noded pseudobulbs on a rhizome then the inflorescence is terminal on the pseudobulb == Genus Dendrobium
Inflorescences from the rhizome or from the base of the pseudobulb. Stems 1-noded pseudobulbs on a rhizome == Genus Bulbophyllum
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