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Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., Bot. Mus. Leafl. 30 (1984, publ. 1985) 98 ('hapalostachya')


  • Eria hapalostachys Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16 (1919) 218
    - Type: Keysser s.n. (III-1913, W. of Sattelberg [probably near Kulungtufu]) (holo B, lost)
  • Eria latifrons J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 14 (1929) 390, pl. 57, fig. 46
    - Type: Feuilletau de Bruyn 257 (holo L; iso BO)
  • Trichotosia latifrons (J.J.Sm.) P.F.Hunt, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 180
  • Eria mansfeldiana J.J.Sm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 66 (1934) 183
    - Type: Mayr 523 (holo L)
  • Trichotosia mansfeldiana (J.J.Sm.) P.F.Hunt, Kew Bull. 26 (1971) 180

Basionym: Eria hapalostachys

Epiphytic, stout, probably pendent. Stems unbranched, terete, leafy, entirely covered with the densely puberulous, tightly clasping leaf-sheaths, 30-50 cm long, 0.5-0.65 cm diam. Leaves erect-patent, lanceolate-ligulate, acute, with slightly recurved margins, soon becoming almost glabrous above, very shortly and densely puberulous below, 12-14 cm long, below the middle 1.5-1.9 cm wide, fleshy-coriaceous. Inflorescence erect-patent, very shortly pedunculate, rather densely 10-18-flowered, to 8 cm long, densely stiff-hairy. Floral bracts slightly recurved, suborbicular, apiculate, usually a little longer than the ovary. Flowers recurved-patent, outside densely stiff-hairy. Sepals oblong-ligulate, subobtusely acuminate, 1 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique, at the base along the front margins strongly produced; mentum shortly cylindrical, towards the apex somewhat dilated, broadly obtuse, 0.5 cm long. Petals obliquely ligulate, subobtuse, above the middle a little dilated, sparsely pilose, a little shorter than the sepals. Lip above the narrow base gradually obovate-dilated, c. 1.2 cm long, above the middle 0.4 cm wide, in apical fourth abruptly expanded into a very broadly reniform, 0.6 cm wide blade, apex notched, minutely apiculate; keels 3, parallel, rather abruptly evanescent towards the base (the central keel a little longer). Column suberect, pilose; foot narrow, somewhat incurved. Ovary sessile, cylindrical-obconical, very densely stiff-hairy, 0.5 cm long. (After Schlechter, 1919)

Hairs rust-brown. Flower colour not recorded.


Malesia (New Guinea).

Papua (Indonesia). See map

distribution map


July, August.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Podochileae
  • Subtribe Eriinae
  • Genus Trichotosia
  • Species Trichotosia hapalostachys

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Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria latifrons J.J.Sm., lip, drawing J.J. Smith, from Feuilletau de Bruyn 257

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria latifrons J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Feuilletau de Bruyn 257

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria mansfeldiana J.J.Sm., lateral sepal, petal, column, anther, and bract, drawing J.J. Smith, from Mayr 523

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria mansfeldiana J.J.Sm., flower, lip, and dorsal sepal, drawing J.J. Smith, from Mayr 523

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria latifrons J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Feuilletau de Bruyn 257 (holotype specimen L)

Trichotosia hapalostachys

Trichotosia hapalostachys (Schltr.) W.Kittr., as Eria mansfeldiana J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Mayr 523 (holotype specimen L)