Vrydagzynea paludosa J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 19 (1908) 39
Type: Versteeg 1244 (syn BO); Bogor cult. (Exp. Lorenz (Djibdja 101; 104) s.n. (syn BO)
Stem at the base creeping and rooting, otherwise erect, 17-28 cm long, c. 7-11-leaved. Leaves (blade) widely patent, well separated, petiolate, obliquely lanceolate, gradually pointed, acute, along the nerves above slightly grooved, underneath with prominent mid-vein, 3-8 by 0.9-1.5 cm; petiole patent, including the short tubular sheath 0.6-1.7 cm long. Inflorescence erect, long pedunculate, rather laxly or densely many-flowered, cylindrical; peduncle in the upper part pubescent, 8-13.5 cm long, peduncle-scales 2-3, almost leaf-like, ovate-lanceolate, at the base shortly tubular, acute, with recurved margins, 1 cm long; rachis pubescent, 2-5 cm long. Floral bracts clasping the base of the ovary, triangular-lanceolate, gradually acuminate, with acute tip, at the base denticulate-ciliate, near the apex slightly denticulate or almost entire, concave, 1-nerved, 0.73 by 0.3 cm. Flowers 0.8 cm long, 0.33-0.37 cm wide, with the sepals and petals parallel. Median sepal ovate-oblong, broadly linear-narrowed, at the apex broadly obtuse, subtruncate, inside near the apex swollen, concave, 1-nerved, 0.45 by 0.18-0.2 cm. Lateral sepals at the base obliquely dilated, clasping the basal part of the spur, obliquely oblong, broadly obtuse, near the apex outside strongly verruculose-swollen, strongly concave, 1-nerved, 0.43-0.45 by 0.18-0.23 cm. Petals cohering with the median sepal, broadly obliquely oblong, at the apex narrowed, obliquely truncate, inside near the apex rather thick, at the broad base only attached in the middle, concave, 1-nerved, 0.35 by 0.18 cm. Lip spurred, including the spur 0.66-0.75 cm long, when flattened 0.48 cm wide; spur parallel to the ovary, 0.4 cm long, 0.2-0.25 cm diam., pointing backwards, somewhat laterally flattened, about ellipsoid, at the base constricted, in front ventricose, not thickened, obtuse, inside with 2 stalked, subglobose appendages inserted above the base of the spur and extending to near the middle; blade rhombic, 0.33-0.35 by 0.23 cm; lateral lobes very short, erect; mid-lobe with incurved margins, cucullate, broadly obtuse, lip inside with a broadly oblong thickening decurrent on the back side of the lateral lobes. Column 0.2-0.26 cm long; clinandrium large, low, concave, inside with a longitudinal keel. Anther ovate, at the apex shortly acuminate, acute, much shorter than the pollinia; pollinia 2, clavate, 0.24 cm long, grooved, caudicles flat, introrse, dilated; viscidium triangular, obtuse, transparent; rostellum with viscidium oblong; stigmatic processes short, porrect, at the apex decurved, subconical, obtuse, ventrally towards the base of the column decurrent into a backwards pointing, triangular, V-shaped, keeled lamella. Ovary very shortly pedicellate, 0.55-0.7 cm long, glabrous. (After Smith, 1909)
Leaves green, at the apex slightly whitish reticulate. Bracts pale green. Sepals, petals and lip pale green, at the apex white, the petals with white exterior margins. Spur pale green with brownish appendages. Column white, anther and pollinia yellowish. Ovary pale green.
Terrestrial in lowland forest, often on spots with shallow running water; 30 to 1050 m.
Malesia (New Guinea), Australia, Solomon Islands.
Warm growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.
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