Prev Taxon: Genus Crepidium section Hololobus
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Crepidium diploceras (Schltr.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Suppl. 3 (1995) 126
Type: Type: Schlechter 17228 (holo B, lost)
Plant 8-12 cm tall, erect. Rhizome very short. Leafy stem ovate, covered by leaf petioles and sheaths, 1—1.8 by 0.7—1 cm. Leaves c. 6; petiole widening towards the base into a sheath, erect; leaf blade oblanceolate-elliptic, attenuate, 4—8 by 0.8—1.4cm; basally narrow to nearly cuneate; top apiculate; 3-nerved. Inflorescence 7—10 cm long; raceme 4—8-flowered, rather lax. Sterile bract ovate-lanceolate, c. 0.05 cm long; apex acuminate; 1-nerved; Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 0.03—0.05 cm long; apex acuminate; 1-nerved. Ovary and pedicel c. 0.05 cm long. Flowers 0.8—1 cm diam.. Median sepal nearly elliptic, c. 0.5 by 0.36 cm; apex obtuse to subacute; main nerve more distinct. Lateral sepals oblique, broadly elliptic, c. 0.4 by 0.26—0.27 cm; apex subapiculate; main nerve more prominent. Petals linear, c. 0.5 by 0.06—0.07 cm; apex obtuse; usually bent backwards. Lip sagittate, widest slightly above of its base, c. 0.45 by c. 025 cm; lamina c. 0.3 cm long; mid-lobe separated from lateral lobes by a shallow indentation, oblong, semi- orbicular at distal part, with a subapiculate tip; lamellae lyriforme, c. 0.16 by 0.02—0.03 cm, 0.01—0.03 cm high; lateral lobes elongate, falcate, nearly linear, c. 0.15 by 0.09—0.12 cm base; apex obtuse and touching at apices. Gynostemium erect, 0.13—0.15 cm long; dorsal surface about halfway its length with 2 median, horn-like appendages; staminodes oblong, strongly folded back from anther, c. 0.06 by the apex obliquely truncate. Anther ovate to slightly obcordate, 0.025—0.03 cm long.
(after Margonska, 2005)
Flowers yellowish, lip orange-yellow, column dark greenish blue.
Epiphyte in lower montane forest, growing in shaded positions; 1100 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Intermediate growing epiphyte, requires shaded position.
Crepidium diploceras is characterised by the habit, lip lamellae and particularly the 2-horned gynostemium appendage. It differs from Crepidium epiphytica in the elliptic sepals, and the elongate lateral lobes which touch at the apices.
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