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Crepidium paguroides

Crepidium paguroides

Crepidium paguroides (Schltr.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Suppl. 3 (1995) 130

Type: Schlechter 19384 (holo B, lost; iso BO, L)


  • Microstylis paguroides Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1911) 137
  • Malaxis paguroides (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, Kew Bull. 24 (1970) 83

Terrestrial, ascending, branched, 10-17 cm high. Rhizome elongated, stem-like; roots filiform, elongated, flexuose, puberulous. Stem elongated, densely leafy, terete, glabrous. Leaves erect-patent or patent, petiolate; blade obliquely lanceolate, acute, with undulate margins, 2-5 cm long, below the middle 0.7-1.5 cm wide; petiole dilated at the base, sheathing, 0.5-1.5 cm long. Inflorescence slender, straight or nearly so, angular, with a few small, distant, bract-like scales or sometimes without scales; rachis rather densely several- to many-flowered, up to 5 cm long. Floral bracts linear-lanceolate, acuminate, deflexed, almost as long as the ovary. Flowers patent, glabrous. Sepals broadly oblong, obtuse, 0.3 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique. Petals linear-ligulate, obtuse, oblique, a little shorter than the sepals. Lip long-sagittate-auriculate; blade 3-lobed above the middle, 0.15 cm long, at the middle 0.25 cm wide; lateral lobes divided into four teeth, the outer one pointing outwards, acute, the other three filiform-elongated, 0.15-0.2 cm long; mid-lobe semiorbicular, very small, bifid, the segments overlapping, forceps-like; pit broadly oblong, extending from the base of the lip to above the middle, its margins horseshoe-shaped-thickened; basal auricles subfalcate-lanceolate, acute, at the apex approximating, 0.2 cm long. Column short, rather thick. Anther subreniform, obtuse, glabrous. Ovary with pedicel glabrous, 6-ribbed, 0.3 cm long. (After Schlechter, 1911-1914)

Whole plant deep wine-red.

Terrestrial in lowland forest; 450 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Warm growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.


  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 54, fig. 187, as Microstylis paguroides Schltr.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Malaxideae
  • Genus Crepidium
  • Section Crepidium
  • Species Crepidium paguroides

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Crepidium paguroides

overview picture

Crepidium paguroides

Crepidium paguroides (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Microstylis paguroides Schltr.), drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 54, fig. 187

Crepidium paguroides

Crepidium paguroides (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Microstylis paguroides Schltr.), herbarium sheet, Schlechter 19384 (isotype specimen BO)

Crepidium paguroides

Crepidium paguroides (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Microstylis paguroides Schltr.), herbarium sheet, Schlechter 19384 (isotype specimen L)