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Crepidium umbonatum

Crepidium umbonatum

Crepidium umbonatum (Schltr.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Suppl. 3 (1995) 133

Type: Schlechter 18631 (holo B, lost)


  • Microstylis umbonata Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1911) 113
  • Malaxis umbonata (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, Kew Bull. 24 (1970) 85
  • Pseudoliparis umbonata (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg., Adansonia 21 (1999) 277

Plant (10—)15—27 cm tall, slender, often several clustered. Rhizome short, creeping; ?nodes 2—5.3 mm long, 2.8—4 mm diam., internode 3.4—4.6 mm; scale leaves lax. Leafy stem erect to ascending,., partly covered by leaf petioles and sheaths, 1.5—3 by 0.3—1 cm. Leaves 4—6; leaf sheath (0.4—)0.7—1.7 by 0.4—1.2 cm; petiole erect, (0.3—)0.5—1.3 by 0.2—0.6 cm wide when spread; leaf blade oblique, elliptic, attenuate, (1.2—)3.5—5 by (0.8—)1.5—2 cm; base cuneate to nearly obcordate; apex acuminate; 3—5-nerved. Inflorescence densely 20-40-flowered, slender, 10—14 cm long; peduncle 3—5 cm long; raceme 6—9 cm long. Sterile bract usually 1, recurved, lanceolate, attenuate, 0.6—0.7 by 0.11—0.14 cm; apex acuminate; 1-nerved. Floral bracts recurved, lanceolate, 0.25—0.6 by 0.07—0.12 cm; apex acuminate; 1-nerved. Pedicel 0.24—0.3 cm long; ovary 0.16—0.2cm long; sinuate. Flowers about 0.65—0.8 by 0.4—0.5 cm wide. Median sepal ovate to oblong-ovate, 0.39—0.42 by 0.15—0.18 cm; apex subapiculate to obtuse; median nerve thicker in apical half. Lateral sepals oblique, ovate to broadly elliptic, 0.35—0.38 by 0.2—025 cm; base slightly obcordate; apex obtuse to subacute; median nerve thick. Petals usually bent back- wards, linear to linear-oblanceolate. 0.34—0.36 by 0.05—0.15 cm; apex obtuse. Lip elliptic to obovate in outline, widest slightly above its base, 0.37—0.42 by 0.3—0.35 cm; lamina semi-orbicular in distal part, 0.2—0.22 by with distinctly apiculate apex, lamellae nearly stretching to lamina apex, simple, subparallel, 0.19—0.22 by 0.025—0.04 cm high, 0.025—0.045 cm thick, area between lamellae flat and narrow; auricles obliquely triangular, 0.17—0.2 by 0.08—0.12 cm; apices subparallel, obtuse to subacute. Column bent backwards, minutely papillose, 0.15—0.16 by 0.1—0.13 cm; in upper half with a small, erect, cone-like appendage 0.01-0.02 by 0.04—0.05 cm; staminodes oblong, longer than the anther, 0.05—0.06 by 0.04-0.05 cm wide base, with entire distal margins, its top transversely truncate, folded back from the anther. Anther 0.04—0.05 by 0.035—0.04 cm wide. Fruit oblong-elliptic to oblong-obovate, 0.8—1.2 mm long, 0.4—0.5 mm.
(after Margonska, 2005)

Stem olive green to green. Leaf sheath pale green, often with bluish grey tint; blade above green, below paler to bluish grey-green. Inflorescence bright green. Pedicel and ovary green, sometimes tinged olive. Flowers yellow, golden-yellow to yellow-apricot. Column dark- green-blue, staminodes dark coloured; rostellum greenish to dark-green. Anther pale. Fruit middle green to greenish fawn.
(after Margonska, 2005)

Terrestrial, in lowland forest, often near rivers, on humus with leaf litter, also in shaded places in primary rain forest with Syzygium and Albizia. Altitude 300—1400 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea: Madang, Central amd New Ireland Provinces; see map

distribution in New Guinea

Warm to intermediate growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.


  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 43, fig. 148, as Microstylis umbonata Schltr.
  • Margońska, H. B., Materials towards a revision of the genus Pseudoliparis (Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae). 3. Section Pseudoliparis (2005) Ann. Bot. Fennici 42: 267—291, fig. 1-17, as Pseudoliparis umbonata (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Malaxideae
  • Genus Crepidium
  • Section Pseudoliparis
  • Species Crepidium umbonatum

Crepidium umbonata resembles Crepidium laevis , but differs in the elliptic leaves, linear to linear-ligulate petals, distinctly developed lip lamellae, recurved column with an abbreviated appendage, and staminodes transversely truncate at distal margins, distinctly folded back from the anther.
(after Margonska, 2005)

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Crepidium umbonatum

Crepidium umbonatum (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Pseudoliparis umbonata (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg.). Drawing by Szlachetko in Adansonia 21 (1999) 277

Crepidium umbonatum

overview picture

Crepidium umbonatum

Crepidium umbonatum (Schltr.) Szlach. (as Microstylis umbonata Schltr.), drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 43, fig. 148