Robiquetia gautierensis (J.J.Sm.) Kocyan & Schuit. -- Phytotaxa 161(1): 69. 2014
Type: Gjellerup 900 (holo BO)
Stem pendent, at the apex incurved, rooting, 3-8 cm long, to c. 7-leaved, internodes 0.33 cm long. Leaves curved, at the base half-twisted, lanceolate, above convex with a longitudinal groove, mid-rib underneath rather prominent, rigidly carnose, 3-3.5 by 0.85-1 cm, unequally and obtusely bilobed, the lobules with somewhat irregular margins; sheaths tubular, a little longer than the internodes, in cross-section elliptic, 0.3-0.38 cm wide. Inflorescences decurved, short, shortly pedunculate, densely 5-14-flowered; peduncle in cross-section elliptic, 0.4-0.7 cm long, with c. 2 shortly tubular, obtuse, keeled, small scales; rachis angular 0.5-1.6 cm long, appressed blackish brown furfuraceous-puberulous. Floral bracts appressed, triangular, concave, acute, 0.23 cm long. Flowers widely patent, widely opening, somewhat fleshy, 0.83 cm wide, 0.93 cm long. Sepals and petals inside and outside sparsely appressed blackish brown furfuraceous-puberulous. Median sepal erect, near the middle incurved at right angles, strongly cucullate-concave, at the apex inside convex, subelliptic-oblong, obtuse, 3-nerved, 0.45 cm long. Lateral sepals widely patent, at the apex incurved, broadly obliquely elliptic, obtuse, narrowed at the base, 3-nerved, 0.4 by 0.25 cm. Petals obliquely elliptic, at the apex very shortly falcate-decurved, subobtuse, concave, 0.37 by almost 0.2 cm. Lip adnate to the base of the column, spurred, 3-lobed, in total 0.78 cm long; lateral lobes very small, parallel, quadrangular, with the posterior margins adnate to the column, free part broadly triangular, subacute, shorter than the column, inside obliquely keeled; mid-lobe at the base carnose and triangular, linear-narrowed towards the apex, revolute, acute, papillose except at the apex, appressed blackish brown furfuraceous-puberulous, when flattened 0.23 cm long; spur large, 0.58 cm long, in the basal part 0.28 cm wide, pointing backwards, almost parallel with the ovary, subcylindrical, somewhat narrowed towards the apex, broadly obtuse, below the apex dorsally and ventrally constricted, the apical part recurved, almost round, dorsally compressed and longitudinally 3-ribbed, dorsally and at the apex sparsely appressed furfuraceous-puberulous, the front wall just below the mid-lobe inside convex-thickened. Column short, thick, hammer-shaped, papillose, without anther 0.18 cm long; clinandrium with 3 conical swellings, wings thick, obtuse. Anther large, cucullate. ovate, at the apex incurved, rostrate-acuminate, apiculate, 0.18 cm long. Pollinia 2, globose; stipe spathulate, at the base thin, conduplicate, towards the apex cuneate-obovate-dilated, at the apex broadly obtuse, bilobed, 0.2 cm long; viscidium small. Ovary pedicellate, , triangular, 6-ribbed, furfuraceous, 0.65 cm long.
(After Smith, 1915)
Not recorded for the type. Sepals and petals light yellow with two red-brown bands. Lip light yellow, lateral lobes orange. Column white, anther violet-purple.
Epiphyte in lowland forest; 400 to 600 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Warm growing epiphyte.
September, November.
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