Robiquetia palustris (J.J.Sm.) Kocyan & Schuit. Phytotaxa 161 (2014) 70
Type: Versteeg 1347 (syn BO); Bogor cult. (Exp. Lorenz (Djibdja 419)) s.n. (syn BO)
Stem pendent, elongated and wavy, to 18 cm long, internodes 0.8-1 cm long. Leaves widely patent, half-twisted at the base, narrowly lanceolate, obliquely obtuse, with a tooth-like mucro, above on either side of the mid-rib convex, carnose-coriaceous, not shiny, 4-6.7 by 0.8-1.2 cm; mid-rib grooved above, when dried prominent below; sheaths tubular, keeled, not shiny, about as long as the internodes. Inflorescences deflexed, perforating the sheaths near their base, unbranched, shortly pedunculate, many-flowered, as long as the leaves or often longer, to 10 cm long; rachis angular. Bracts triangular, acute, concave, 0.15-0.2 cm long. Flowers scattered, widely patent, small, 0.6 cm wide, 1 cm long. Median sepal cucullate-concave, incurved, broadly elliptic, obtuse, when flattened 0.3 cm long. Lateral sepals obliquely elliptic, subacute, concave, 0.27 by 0.2 cm. Petals obliquely elliptic-ovate, subacuminate, concave, 0.25 by 0.14 cm. Lip spurred, 3-lobed, inside at the base adnate to the column-foot, in total 0.8 cm long; spur large, pendent, making an acute angle with the ovary, straight, subcylindrical, dorsally somewhat compressed, below the apex somewhat constricted, obtuse, inside smooth, 0.73 cm long; lateral lobes porrect, small, as long as the column, triangular, acute, concave, with incurved front margin, 0.14 cm long; mid-lobe revolute, narrowly triangular, acute, 0.16 cm long. Column making an obtuse angle with the ovary, very short, thick, papillose, 0.1 cm long, clinandrium with two teeth. Anther hood-shaped, apex acuminate, incurved. Pollinia 2, globose, dorsally transversely sulcate; stipe slender, in lower half filiform, in the upper part strongly triangular-dilated, clearly broader than the pollinia, apex abruptly acuminate, apical margin recurved, pellucid; viscidium minute; pollinarium in total 0.15 cm long. Rostellum very short. Stigma transverse. Ovary somewhat reflexed, straight, 6-grooved, 0.45-0.55 cm long.
(After Smith, 1909)
Leaves green, more or less tinged dull red, sheaths dull reddish. Rachis pale greenish. Median sepal yellowish, at the base with two brown spots, outside with a few brown dots. Lateral sepals pale yellow, with two broad, interrupted brown stripes. Petals pale yellow, slightly spotted brown. Anther purple, apex white. Pollinia pale reddish yellow. Ovary whitish.
Epiphyte in lowland forest, also on trees overhanging a stream and in Pandanus and Metroxylon swamps; 26 to 450 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Warm growing epiphyte.
April, June, July, September.
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