Prev Taxon: Genus Nervilia
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Nervilia crociformis (Zoll. & Moritzi) Seidenf., Dansk Bot. Ark. 32, 2 (1978) 151
Basionym: Bolborchis crociformis
Terrestrial, erect, unbranched, 10-20 cm high; tuber globose. Leaf basal, hysteranthous, petiolate, blade cordate-reniform or suborbicular, indistinctly 7-angular, glabrous below, above minutely finely pilose, 3-4.5 cm long, near the middle 4-6 cm wide; petiole erect, glabrous, c. 2 cm long. Inflorescence erect, with a few distant acuminate, clasping scales, glabrous, 1-flowered, 10-20 cm long. Floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, as long as the ovary or a little shorter. Flowers pendent. Sepals and petals linear-lanceolate or linear, acuminate. Sepals 2.3 by 0.3-0.4 cm. Petals a little shorter, oblique, somewhat narrowed towards the base. Lip cuneate, in the apical part 3-lobed; lateral lobes truncate, deeply lacerate-fimbriate, mid-lobe triangular, acute, somewhat surpassing the lateral lobes, with the margins mainly near the base lacerate-slit; lip in total 1.5 cm long, near the apex 0.9 cm wide, with a longitudinal median keel, in front mealy-puberulous. Column straight, slender; clinandrium lacerate-dentate. Pedicel elongating in the fruiting stage. Fruit pendulous, 1.3 cm long, near the middle 0.5 cm diam., glabrous. (After Schlechter, 1905, as Nervilia fimbriata Schltr.)
Sepals and petals light green, lip pure white.
Terrestrial in lowland and lower montane forest, also in Imperata grassland; 30-1500 m.
Malesia (Java, New Guinea, Philippines), Africa, trop. Asia, Australia.
Warm growing terrestrial, requires light shade.
May, July, August, September, October, November, December.
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