Aerides odorata Lour. var. quinquevulnera (Lindl.) Holttum, Rev. Fl. Malaya 1 (1953) 694
Type: Loddiges cult. (Cuming) s.n. (Philippines) (holo K)
Stems suberect, to c. 40 cm long, densely many-leaved. Leaves strap-shaped, 20-30 by 3-4 cm, thick leathery, apex unequally bilobed. Inflorescences from the leaf axils, racemose, pendulous, about as long as the leaves, rather densely many-flowered. Floral bracts minute. Ovary with pedicel 2 cm long. Median sepal elliptic, 1 by 0.6 cm, apex obtuse. Lateral sepals obliquely broadly ovate, 1.5 by 1 cm, inserted on the column-foot, apex obtuse. Petals elliptic, 0.8 by 0.5 cm, apex obtuse. Lip 3-lobed, 1.3 cm long, spurred; lateral lobes erect, broadly rounded, the upper margins almost touching; mid-lobe much narrower than the lateral lobes, rectangular, curved inwards and upwards against the front margins of the lateral lobes, margins erose, apex truncate; spur curved forwards, horn-like, 1.3 cm long. Column short, thick; column-foot much longer than the column.
Sepals and petals whitish with fine magenta spots and a magenta blotch on the apices. Lip white with fine magenta spots, midlobe magenta, spur greenish.
Epiphyte in lowland forest.
New Guinea ?, Philippines.
Warm growing epiphyte, requires much light.
Not known
The specimen from PNG may have originated from a cultivated specimen
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