Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11 (1912) 274

Type: Gjellerup 512 (holo BO 2x; iso L)

Stems closely spaced, strongly compressed, 13-23 cm long, 0.85-1.35 cm wide, c. 6-8-leaved, in the basal part covered with overlapping conduplicate sheaths that become larger upwards. Leaves lanceolate, papyraceous, 6.75-17 by 1.7-2.1 cm, at the apex mostly bidentate, mucronate, teeth and mucro subulate-filiform, base of leaf narrowed and conduplicate, in the apical part denticulate, the small teeth sometimes elongated, mid-rib when dried thinly grooved above, slightly prominent below; sheaths longer than the internodes, in the basal part tubular, above conduplicate and with an irregular, broad, membranous margin. Inflorescence forming a head 2.8 cm diam., with dry sheaths, peduncles very short, 0.3 cm long, 1-flowered, covered with c. 3, distichous, widely funnel-shaped, overlapping, at the apex obliquely membranous, furfuraceous-spotted, upwards larger, small scales. Floral bract small, similar to the scales but larger, obtuse, apiculate, 0.35-0.4 cm long. Flower 1 cm long. Sepals dorsally furfuraceous-spotted and cohering with the petals. Median sepal broadly triangular-ovate, conical-apiculate, concave, 3-nerved, 0.7 by 0.44 cm. Lateral sepals strongly obliquely ovate, long subulate-acuminate, concave, 4-5-nerved, outer nerves thin, mid-rib dorsally near the apex prominent, 0.7 cm long, in total slightly over 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, at the base obliquely dilated, clasping the spur of the lip; mentum pointing backwards, appressed to the ovary, broadly obtuse, 0.28 cm long. Petals obliquely oblong, at the apex triangular, acute, incurved and somewhat erose, concave, 3-nerved, 0.65 by 0.27 cm. Lip strongly curved upwards, saccate, slightly 3-lobed, when not flattened 0.95 cm long, when flattened 1.1 cm long; spur pointing backwards, rounded, longitudinally grooved, 0.23 cm long; lateral lobes very short, slightly rounded, hardly developed, connected by a transverse, bilobed lamella; mid-lobe curved upwards, large, strongly concave, at the base contracted, flabellate-dilated, 0.65 by 0.9 cm, at the apex broadly truncate or slightly retuse with a rather large subulate apiculum, crenulate, in the basal part up to 2/5 above the base 2-ribbed, c. 9-nerved. Column making an obtuse angle with the ovary, c.0.21 cm long, on either side of the stigma with a thick, irregularly folded tooth, below with an additional duplicate tooth, below the stigma with a large, reflexed, carnose, quadrangular, towards the apex dilated, truncate, concave, dorsally convex appendage, basal part carnose-thickened with a longitudinal, papillose, at the apex triangular groove. Column-foot short, pointing backwards. Anther cucullate, ovate, obtuse, at the base 3-lobulate, 0.15 cm long. Pollinia 8. Rostellum absent. Stigma apical, triangular. Ovary 6-grooved, appressed blackish brown pilose, 0.8 cm long. (After Smith, 1915).

Note: Related to Agrostophyllum compressum Schltr.

Flower white, lip at base light yellow-brown.

Epiphyte in montane forest. Altitude 1371-2042 m.

Malesia (New Guinea), Solomon Islands.

Papua (Indonesia); Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Intermediate growing epiphyte.

May, June.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum curvilabre
  • Smith, J.J., Nova Guinea 12, 3 (1915) 233, t. 79, fig. 137
  • Lewis, B.A. & P.J. Cribb, Orchids of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville (1991) 127

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Agrostophyllum curvilabre

overview picture

Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Gjellerup 512

Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Gjellerup 512

Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Gjellerup 512

Agrostophyllum curvilabre

Agrostophyllum curvilabre J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Gjellerup 512, isotype specimen (L)