Agrostophyllum sepikanum

Agrostophyllum sepikanum

Agrostophyllum sepikanum Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58 (1922) 76

Type: Ledermann 7856 (holo B, lost); para

Epiphytic, erect, 15-25 cm high. Rhizome very short. Stems compressed, 9-15 cm long, entirely covered with the compressed leaf-sheaths, base covered with cataphylls, in upper half 4-5-leaved. Leaves erect-patent, relatively thin-textured, obliquely lanceolate-oblong, 6-10 by 1.7-2.1 cm, obliquely and shortly acuminate, base shortly petiolate-contracted. Floral head semiglobose, terminal, 2-3 cm across, surrounded by short scales, sessile. Inflorescences several, 1-flowered. Floral bracts elliptic, acuminate, only slightly longer than the ovary. Sepals elliptic, 0.6 cm long, shortly acuminate, outside sparsely furfuraceous, lateral sepals patent, oblique, at the base along the front margin somewhat dilated. Petals erect-patent, obliquely obovate-spathulate, 0.5 cm long, obtuse, a little shorter than the sepals. Lip at the base saccate-concave, contracted, obreniform-flabellate, 0.9 by 0.75 cm, in front broadly obtuse and very shortly bilobed, margin entire, above the base with an erect, quadrangular, retuse, very minutely papillose lamella. Column rather thick, 0.4 cm long, , upper half in front semiglobose-thickened; rostellum porrect-ascending, relatively large. Ovary sessile, cylindrical, almost 0.6 cm long, furfuraceous. (After Schlechter, 1922).

Note: Related to Agrostophyllum compressum Schltr.

Flower pure white.

Epiphyte in montane forest. Altitude 50-1500 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Intermediate growing epiphyte.

July, October.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum sepikanum

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Agrostophyllum sepikanum

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