Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr., Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6 (1910) 270
- Bletia graminifolia D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. (1825) 29
- Type: Hamilton s.n. (holo BM), from Nepal, Suembu. - Limodorum graminifolium (D.Don) Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5 (1890) 857
- Arundina chinensis Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 402
- Type: Blume s.n. (China introduction) (holo L) - Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. var. chinensis (Blume) S.S.Ying, Col. Illust. Indig. Orchid. Taiwan 1, 2 (1977) 51
- Arundina speciosa Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 401; Tab. & Pl. Jav. Orchid. (1825) t. 73
- Type: Blume s.n. (Java, Buitenzorg Prov.); (Java, Tjanjor Prov.); (Java, Krawang Prov.) (syn L?) - Arundina bambusifolia Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1831) 125
- Arundina minor Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1831) 125
- Type: Macrae s.n. (Ceylon, Mahawelli Ganga R.) - Cymbidium bambusifolium Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. 2, 3 (1832) 460
- Arundina densa Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. (1842) t. 38, misc. 25
- Type: Loddiges cult. (Cuming) s.n. (Singapore) - Cymbidium meyenii Schauer, Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 19, Suppl. 1 (1843) 433
- Type: Meyen s.n. (China, Macao) - Arundina meyenii (Schauer) Rchb.f., Linnaea 25 (1852) 227
- Arundina affinis Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 3 (1851) 330
- Type: Griffith 150 (16-X-1835, Khasia Mts., Churra) - Arundina philippii Rchb.f., Linnaea 25 (1852) 227
- Type: Philippi s.n. (China); Fortune s.n. (China) (syn W?) - Arundina pulchella Teijsm. & Binn., Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië 5 (1853) 488
- Type: ? - Arundina pulchra Miq., J. Bot. Néerl. 1 (1861) 90
- Type: ? - Corymbis angustifolia Miq., Fl. Ned. Indië Suppl. (1861) 617
- Type: Junghuhn s.n. (L, probably lost) - Arundina tahitensis Nadeaud, Enum. Pl. Tahiti (1873) 37
- Type: Nadeaud 269 (holo P; photo of type BISH) - Arundina revoluta Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5 (1890) 858; Hooker's Icon. Pl. 22 (1892) t. 2112
- Type: Scortechini; Wray; King's collector (all Perak) (syn K) - Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. var. revoluta (Hook.f.) A.L.Lamb in C.L. Chan et al., Orchid. Borneo 1 (1994) 66
- Arundina sanderiana Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17 (1893) 483
- Type: Sander cult. (Micholitz) s.n. (Sumatra, Padang, 3000-3500 feet) (holo B, destroyed; neo: Lobb 189, LE, designated by Christenson, 1995) - Arundina revoluta Hook.f. var. borneensis J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 3, 5 (1922) 65
- Type: J.J. Smith cult. (Gravenhorst) s.n. (W. Borneo) (syn BO); Nieuwenhuis Exp. (Jaheri) 1185 (syn BO 2x) - Arundina speciosa Blume var. sarasinorum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 21 (1925) 143
- Type: Sarasin 1231 (holo B, lost) - Arundina stenopetala Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79 (1932) 32
- Type: Eberhardt 3024 (Vietnam, Thua-thien Prov., Upper regio of Bo-giang); Poilane 4424 (Vietnam, Annam, Nhatrang); Evrard 699 (Vietnam, Annam, Nhatrang, Song Cao); Geoffrey 341 (Cambodia, Popokwil Plateau, Kampot) - Donacopsis laotica Gagnep., Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris), sér. 2, 4 (1932) 593
- Type: Massie s.n. (Laos, no locality) (holo P) - Arundina kanehirae Yamam., Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 23 (1933) 20
- Type: ? - Arundina maculata J.J.Sm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 65 (1933) 467
- Type: Bogor cult. (van Vuuren 449, W. Celebes, Mandar, Masawa) (syn BO 2x); Kjellberg 1480 (BO); 3181 (syn L ??, BO) - Arundina chinensis Blume var. major S.Y.Hu, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 25, 1-2 (1972) 54
- Type: ?
Basionym: Bletia graminifolia
Rhizome very short. Stems closely spaced, erect, branching with age, to 175 by 0.9 cm, many-leaved. Leaf sheaths tubular, longer than the internodes. Leaves almost linear, narrowed to the apex, to 25 by 2.4 cm, apex pointed, mid-rib prominent below. Inflorescences terminal, racemose, erect, to 40 cm long; peduncle c. 15 cm long, elliptic in cross-section, glabrous, peduncle-scales few, tubular at the base, laxly many-flowered. Floral bracts triangular, tubular at the base, 0.8 cm long, persistent, apex acute, concave. Ovary 2.3 cm long. Flowers resupinated, c. 5.5 cm across, opening in succession, short-lasting. Median sepal narrowly lanceolate, 3.5 by 0.8 cm, apex subacute. Lateral sepals held close together below the lip, turned towards the front, 3.5 by 0.8 cm, mid-ribe outside prominent, apex subacute. Petals oblong, 3.7 by 1.5 cm, convex, apex acute. Lip weakly 3-lobed, 3.7 by 2.8 cm, wavy in front, with two distinct longitudinal ribs and one or three weaker ones; lateral lobes extending beyond the column, triangular, obtuse; mid-lobe rectangular, bilobulate, with an apiculum in the sinus; densely short pubescent inside. Column elongated, slender, straight, 1.8 cm long, on either side of the stigma with a small triangular wing; rostellum large, dentate, convex, along the basal margin with two triangular teeth. Anther cucullate, obtuse, apiculate. Pollinia soft, laterally compressed. Fruit pendulous, cylindrical, pedicellate, opening along 6 valves, 5.5 cm.
(After Smith, 1905, as Arundina speciosa Blume).