Calymmanthera tenuis Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 956
Type: Schlechter 16164 (syn B, lost; isosyn AMES, E, K, L, MO,NSW); 19909 (syn B, lost; isosyn AMES, BO, E, L 2x, NSW)
Epiphyte, small, 10-15 cm high; roots filiform, glabrous; stem 3-7 cm long, densely leafy, covered with the leaf-sheaths, 0.15-0.2 cm diameter; leaves erect-patent, narrowly linear, acute, 6-13 cm long, near the middle 0.25-0.45 cm wide. Inflorescences very thin, almost hair-thin, flexuose, very laxly several-flowered, usually 1-2-, rarely 3-branched, 3-5 cm long; bracts minute, much shorter than the ovary. Flowers minute, glabrous. Sepals at the base somewhat dilated, lanceolate, narrowly obtuse, 0.28 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique. Petals similar to and about as long as the sepals. Lip 3-lobed, 0.15 cm long, lateral lobes basal, obliquely ovate, obtuse, mid-lobe clearly longer, lanceolate, narrowly obtuse, somewhat fleshy; pollinia 4, obliquely elliptic, stipe linear, as long as the pollinia, viscidium medium-sized, rounded. Ovary cylindrical, 0.25 cm long, glabrous. (After Schlechter, 1911-1914)
Flower yellowish.
Epiphyte in lowland forest. Altitude 100-450 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Warm growing epiphyte.
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