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Ceratostylis calcarata

Ceratostylis calcarata

Ceratostylis calcarata Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 251

Type: Schlechter 19641 (holo B, lost); para

Epiphytic, erect, caespitose, 10-15 cm high. Rhizome very short. Roots filiform, elongated, flexuose, sparsely puberulous. Stems 6-11 cm long, 1.25-1.50 mm across, slender, subfiliform, terete, glabrous, at the base covered with lanceolate, aristate-acuminate, glabrous sheaths, 1-leaved. Leaves erect, short, subulate, acute, terete, adaxially minutely sulcate, glabrous, 1.5-2 cm long, about as wide as the stems. Inflorescences few, fascicled, terminal, covered with lanceolate, apiculate scales. Flowers erect-patent. Bracts minute, ovate, apiculate, hyaline. Sepals ovate, narrowly obtuse, at the base sparsely puberulous, 0.2 cm long. Lateral sepals at the base along the anterior margin very strongly extended and connate; mentum spur-like obtuse, cylindrical, puberulous, 2.5-3 mm long. Petals obliquely elliptic-lanceolate, acute, glabrous, a little shorter than the sepals. Lip in basal part linear-ligulate, in upper half obovate, in front carnose-thickened, broadly obtuse, in basal half with the margins slightly incurved, minutely ciliolate, 2.5 mm long, with two parallel, minutely ciliolate, lamellae, slightly diverging at the apex, arising above the base, decurrent to above the middle of the lip. Column much more than half as long as the lip, arms elliptic, obtuse; foot very long, clearly longer than the column. Anther subreniform, apiculate. Ovary cylindrical, puberulous, together with the pedicel, about 0.4 cm long. (After Schlechter, 1911-1914).

Flower reddish with white petals, lip apex golden yellow.

Epiphyte in lower montane forest. Altitude 1100-1300 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Intermediate growing epiphyte, keep in light shade.

May, June.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Podochileae
  • Subtribe Eriinae
  • Genus Ceratostylis
  • Section Ceratostylis
  • Species Ceratostylis calcarata
  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 92, fig. 340

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Ceratostylis calcarata

overview picture

Ceratostylis calcarata

Ceratostylis calcarata Schltr., from Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 92, fig. 340