Current Genus: Genus Cyrtosia

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Cyrtosia javanica

Cyrtosia javanica

Cyrtosia javanica Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 396; Tab. & Pl. Jav. Orchid. (1825) t. 6

Type: Blume 329 (Java, high mountains) (syn L; iso BO); s.n. (syn L); Waitz s.n. (July, Jati Kalangan) (syn L)


  • Galeola javanica (Blume) Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 3 (1883) 590
    - Type: Blume 329 (Java, high mountains) (syn L; iso BO); s.n. (syn L); Waitz s.n. (July, Jati Kalangan) (syn L)
  • Conchoglossum montanum Breda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Asclep. 4 (1830) sub t. (17) (not validly published)
    - Type: Kuhl & van Hasselt s.n. (Java) (holo L?)

Leafless terrestrial, stems 10-15 cm long, mealy-papillose. Scales c. 5, triangular, acute, 0.35 cm long. Flower not resupinate, only slightly opening. Sepals broadly lanceolate to oblong, 1.4 by 0.75 cm, mealy-hairy outside. Petals lanceolate, 1.3 by 0.8 cm, obtuse. Lip entire, broadly transversely elliptic, strongly concave, 1 by 1.3 cm, with two thickenings at the base, margin short-hairy. Column winged. (After Comber, 2001).

Stems pinkish or yellowish. Flowers pale yellow.

Terrestrial in montane forest.

Asia (trop.), Sri Lanka,.

Papua New Guinea.

Terrestrial, probably parasitic on fungi and probably impossible to grow under normal conditions.

Not known

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Vanilloideae
  • Tribe Vanilleae
  • Genus Cyrtosia
  • Species Cyrtosia javanica
  • Smith, J.J., Orchid. Java (1905) 69, as Galeola javanica (Blume) Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Smith, J.J., Orchid. Java, Fig.-Atl. (1908) fig. 46, as Galeola javanica (Blume) Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Smith, J.J., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sr. 2, 9 (1913) 12, as Galeola javanica (Blume) Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Smith, J.J., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sr. 3, 5 (1922) t. 25, fig. III, as Galeola javanica (Blume) Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Comber, J.B., Orchids of Sumatra (2001) 126

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Cyrtosia javanica

Cyrtosia javanica Blume, drawing N.H.S. Howcroft 132, from Missima, Wau