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Eria imitans

Eria imitans

Eria imitans Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 652

Type: Schlechter 16134 (holo B, lost; iso G, L, S)

Epiphyte, stout; pseudobulbs ovoid-cylindrical, 3-leaved, 4-angular, at or below apex 1.5 cm wide; leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, at the base gradually narrowed, glabrous, up to 55 cm long, near the middle up to 6 cm wide; Inflorescence arising near the apex of the pseudobulb, angular, peduncle 30 cm long, with several distant scales; bracts erect-patent, ovate-elliptic, acuminate, more or less overlapping, longer than the ovary. Flowers erect-patent. Sepals elliptic, acuminate, outside at the base sparsely squamulose, otherwise glabrous, 1.7 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique, at the base dilated along the front margin, mentum obtuse, 0.5 cm long. Petals subfalcate, obliquely elliptic-lanceolate, acute, glabrous, somewhat shorter than the sepals. Lip at the base clawed-cuneate above, the middle 3-lobed, 1.1 cm long, between the apices of the lateral lobes 0.9 cm wide, with an oblanceolate callus extending to the middle, lateral lobes falcate-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, mid-lobe above the short claw suborbicular, apiculate, 0.45 cm wide. Column semiterete, glabrous, somewhat shorter than the lip, column-foot almost straight; clinandrium subentire, dorsally short acuminate. Ovary sessile, cylindrical, minutely and sparsely squamulose, 1.5 cm long.
(After Schlechter, 1911-1914)

Flower yellowish, lip with a brown blotch.

Epiphyte in lowland forest. Altitude 300 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution in New Guinea

Warm growing epiphyte.


  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Podochileae
  • Subtribe Eriinae
  • Genus Eria
  • Section Eria
  • Species Eria imitans
  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 218, fig. 826

Eria imitans Schltr. is similar to Eria ramuana Schltr.

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Eria imitans

Eria imitans Schltr., flower, photo J. Comber, based on Kew cult. (ex PNG)

Eria imitans

overview pictureEria imitans Schltr., flower, photo J. Comber, based on Kew cult. (ex PNG)

Eria imitans

Eria imitans Schltr., from Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1928) t. 218, fig. 826

Eria imitans

Eria imitans Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 16134, isotype specimen (L)