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Glomera dubia J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 2, 13 (1914) 58
Type: Gjellerup 510
Epiphyte, very small. Stems closely spaced, compressed, e. 5.5 cm long, then little branched, internodes 0.2-0.5 cm long. Leaves patent, ovate-lanceolate, unequally bidentate, with the longer tooth obtuse, the other acute, in the apical part with irregular margins, at the base shortly contracted, mid-rib grooved above, slightly prominent below, above on either side of the mid-rib convex, furfuraceous-finely punctate, thickly coriaceous, 1.4-2.7 cm long, 0.33-0.68 cm wide; sheaths much longer than the internodes, tubular, compressed, at the apex fimbriate with appressed flexuose setae, 0.2-0.26 cm. wide. Inflorescence 1-flowered. Spathe and floral bract clasping each other and the ovary. Spathe laxly appressed, tubular, membranous, prominently nerved, verrucose, furfuraceous-punctate, when flattened suborbicular, broader than long, retuse, obtusely apiculate, 0.43 cm long. Floral bract subulate-apiculate, 0.4 cm long. Flower very small. Median sepal oblong, obtuse, conical-apiculate, 3-nerved, 0.7 by 0.25 cm. Lateral sepals obliquely oblong-ovate, slightly falcate, somewhat dilated at the base, equalling the spur, obtuse, apiculate, 3-nerved, 0.53 cm long, in the middle 0.25 cm wide. Petals cuneate-spathulate-obovate, rounded, 3-nerved, 0.57 by 0.28 cm wide. Lip small, at the base adnate to the column, shortly spurred, in total 0.4 cm long, when flattened in outline broadly rhombic, 0.43 by 0.33 cm, 7-nerved, blade concave, somewhat carnose, when flattened in outline 7-angular, 0.3 cm long, free part 5-angular, 0.25 cm long, at the apex obtusely angled and papillose, spur backwards pointing, appressed to the ovary, making an obtuse angle with the blade, at the apex slightly recurved, conical, obtuse, 0.14 cm long. Column dorsally convex, at the apex slightly contracted, 0.24 cm long, at the apex broadly obtusely triangular, clinandrium crenulate. Anther cucullate, in outline broadly ovate, 0.1 cm wide, high conical, at the apex prolonged into a rounded, slightly recurved beak. Pollinia 4, pear-shaped. Rostellum truncate, ribbed above. Stigma with the lower margin raised. Ovary 6-grooved, above very sparsely furfuraceous-punctate, 0.45 cm long.
(After Smith, 1915).
Flower white.
Epiphyte in lower montane forest. Altitude 1100 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Intermediate growing epiphyte.
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