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Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm. in L.S.Gibbs, Phytogeogr. Fl. Arfak Mts. (1917) 114 (non Rolfe)

Type: Gibbs 5605 (holo BM; iso BO)


  • Glossorhyncha gibbsiae (J.J.Sm.) Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 58 (1922) 81
    - Type: Gibbs 5605 (holo BM; iso BO)

Stems erect, thin, terete, strongly branched in upper part, densely leafy, 13 cm long, branches erect-patent, lower internodes 0.5 cm., those on the branches 0.1 cm long. Leaves patent, distinctly petiolate, narrowly oblong, narrowed towards the apex, obtuse, at the base rather abruptly contracted into the petiole, thickly carnose, grooved above, angular, almost keeled below, 0.6-0.67 by 0.17 cm; sheaths tubular, verrucose, at the apex long crisped-ciliate with numerous laxly appressed setae. Inflorescence terminal, erect, sessile, 1-flowered. Spathe erect, appressed, much shorter than the flower, clasping the floral bract at the base only, enveloping the apex of the spur, broad, strongly cucullate concave, at the base shortly tubular, acute, dorsally keeled towards the apex, dorsally especially at the base sparsely furfuraceous-punctate, membranous, 0.43 cm long. Floral bract similar to the spathe but narrower, acutely acuminate, dorsally sparsely furfuraceous-punctate, membranous, 0.4 cm long. Flower 0.8 cm long (when spread). Median sepal oblong-ovate, distinctly verruculose-apiculate, concave, 3-nerved, 0.63 by 0.23 cm. Lateral sepals not clasping the apex of the spur, at the base very shortly connate, obliquely ovate-oblong, long subulate-apiculate, at the base along the front margin slightly rounded-dilated, concave, 3-nerved, 0.7 cm long, at the base 0.3 cm wide. Petals erect-patent, lanceolate, obtuse, concave, 1-nerved, 0.68 by 0.14 cm. Lip at the base adnate to the column, to the apex of the ovary 0.3 cm long, to the apex of the spur 0.47 cm long; blade porrect, making an almost straight angle with the spur, concave, underneath convex, in outline when seen from above suborbicular, 0.3 by 0.33 cm, at the base thickened into a conspicuous cross-ridge, 7-nerved, when flattened semi-elliptic, apex prolonged in an angular-rounded, when dried black-papillose lobule, at the base on either side rounded; spur straight, oblong, slightly laterally compressed above, broadly obtuse, along the dorsal side 0.3 cm long. Column dorsally compressed and slightly convex dorsally, along the apical margin slightly wavy-dentate, in the middle retuse, without anther 0.15 cm long; clinandrium concave, auricles triangular, with short, free, tooth-like apices. Anther cucullate, transversely elliptic, apex rounded-prolonged recurved and pellucid, almost 0.13 cm wide, connective triangular, convex. Rostellum transversely elliptic, truncate. Stigma crescent-shaped, with the lower margin strongly prolonged and recurved. Ovary sessile, 6-grooved, 0.3 cm long.
(After Smith, 1917).

Flower white [probably with a blackish tip to the lip].

Epiphyte in upper montane forest. Altitude 2700 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua (Indonesia). See map

distribution in New Guinea

Cool growing epiphyte.


  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Arethuseae
  • Subtribe Coelogyninae
  • Genus Glomera
  • Section Uniflorae
  • Species Glomera gibbsiae
  • Smith, J.J., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, Suppl. 2 (1930) t. 32, fig. II

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Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Gibbs 5605

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, from Gibbs 5605

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., drawing M. Soemawinata, from Gibbs 5605

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., drawing M. Soemawinata, from Gibbs 5605

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Gibbs 5605, isotype (K)

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., detail of herbarium sheet, Gibbs 5605, isotype specimen (BO)

Glomera gibbsiae

Glomera gibbsiae J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Gibbs 5605, isotype specimen (BO)