Prev Taxon: Genus Glomera
Current Genus: Genus Glomera section Glomera
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Glomera goliathensis J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 2, 2 (1911) 2
Type: Kock, de 32 (holo BO)
Epiphyte. Stems in cross-section elliptic, leafy, internodes 2.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide. Leaves curved, half-twisted at the base, elongated ovate-lanceolate, at the base almost rounded, shortly contracted, mid-rib grooved above, obtusely prominent below, above on either side of the mid-rib convex, above near the lower margin furfuraceous-finely punctate, fleshy, 8.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, apex gradually acuminate, strongly unequally bidentate, the shorter tooth acuminate, the longer tooth narrower and up to 1 cm long; sheaths equalling the internodes, tubular, in cross-section transversely elliptic, somewhat angular and obtusely keeled, furfuraceous-finely punctate, at the apex with an appressed, triangular, obtuse, 0.4 cm long tooth opposite the blade. Inflorescence capitate, nodding, densely many-flowered, 3 cm diam., the involucral scales large, suborbicular, sometimes connate, obtuse, dorsally furfuraceous-finely punctate. Floral bracts large, ovate-triangular, somewhat acuminate, obtuse, concave, thin membranous, 1.9 cm long, 0.9 cm wide. Flowers medium-sized, when fully opened 1.5 cm wide, often not opening well. Median sepal oblong, obtuse, 5-nerved, 1.3 cm long, 0.45 cm wide. Lateral sepals at the base for 0.5 cm saccate-connate and clasping the spur, obliquely oblong, obtuse, obtusely apiculate, 5-nerved, up to the apex of the ovary about 1 cm long, in total 1.3 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Petals somewhat obliquely oblong, truncate-obtuse, at the base concave, 3-nerved 1.1cm long, 0.4 cm wide. Lip at the base adnate to the column, spurred, entire, blade making an obtuse angle with the spur, apex recurved, obovate-quadrangular, orbicular, truncate, above inside with a small longitudinal rib, fleshy, at the base truncate-thickened, 0.4 cm long, 0.35 cm wide; spur pointing backwards, appressed to the ovary, dorsally compressed, ovate, orbicular, at the base somewhat contracted, up to the apex of ovary 0.3 cm long, 0.3 cm wide. Column dorsally convex, 0.27 cm long, apex (filament) triangular, retuse, separated with obtuse angles from the triangular, bidentate auricles. Anther cucullate, suborbicular, apex bilobulate, membranous-marginate, at the base conical-raised, 0.13 cm wide. Pollinia 4, compressed-pyriform. Rostellum about as long as the auricles, broadly truncate, subretuse. Stigma with the lower margin raised and recurved, together with the rostellum forming a trapezium. Ovary 3-grooved, glabrous, 0.5 cm long.
(After Smith, 1913)
Flower white, blade of lip rose-red.
Epiphyte in upper montane forest in shaded positions. Altitude 1850 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Cool growing epiphyte, keep in shade.
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