Prev Taxon: Genus Glomera section Glomera
Current Genus: Genus Glomera section Uniflorae
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Glomera inflata (Schltr.) J.J.Sm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 66 (1934) 171
Type: Ledermann 12944 (holo B, lost)
Small shrub-like, erect or ascending, 30 cm high, strongly branched. Stems and branches densely leafy, entirely covered with the very tightly appressed, warty leaf-sheaths with fimbriate-lacerate apices. Leaves erect-patent or patent, linear or linear subulate, 1-1.3 by 0.1 cm, rather obtuse, base shortly petiolate-attenuate, carnose, glabrous, 3-4 times as long as the sheaths. Spathe elliptic-cucullate, falling off. Flowers glabrous. Sepals patent or recurved, oblong, 0.4 cm long, obtuse. Lateral sepals oblique, at the base along the front margin dilated. Petals similar to the sepals and about as long, but somewhat narrower, slightly recurved. Lip very broadly cuneate-flabellate, 0.2 by 0.25 cm, in front truncate, indistinctly 3-lobulate, somewhat fleshy, slightly more than a third as long as the petals; spur deflexed, cylindrical, almost 0.4 cm long, apex inflated-globose, dorsally somewhat compressed. Column short, foot elongated, dorsal side of clinandrium low. Ovary slender cylindrical, glabrous, sessile.
(After Schlechter, 1922, as Giulianettia inflata Schltr.).
Flower pale brown.
Probably epiphytic in montane forest. Altitude 1400-1500 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Probably an intermediate growing epiphyte.
Not known
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