Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 410; Tab. & Pl. Jav. Orchid. (1825) t. 14 ('Etaeria')
Type: Blume s.n. (Java, Solassie Valley, Tjanjor Prov.) (holo L; iso K)
Terrestrial. Stems erect, elongated, at the base creeping and rooting, fleshy, terete, 40 by 0.65 cm, c. 9-leaved. Leaves petiolate; petiole 3.3 cm long, sheath tubular; blade obliquely oblong, 9 by 3.9 cm, with three veins prominent below, apex acute, apiculate. Inflorescences racemose, erect, 23 cm long, laxly many-flowered, covered with downwards pointing hairs, peduncle-scales several, hairy, becoming smaller upwards. Floral bracts appressed, lanceolate, 0.75 cm long, apex pointed, outside pubescent. Ovary 0.6 cm long, not twisted, patent-pubescent, making a straight angle with the flower. Flowers not resupinated, 0.3 cm across, only slightly opening. Median sepal ovate, 0.4 cm long, patent-pubescent outside, concave, apex obtuse. Lateral sepals obliquely ovate, clasping the base of the lip, 0.4 cm long, patent-pubescent outside, apex obtuse. Petals oblong, unequal-sided, 0.3 cm long, 1-nerved, concave, somewhat wavy. Lip ovate in natural position, strongly concave, with a longitudinal grooved outside, base saccate, inside with a longitudinal keel and on either side with a few fleshy hair-like papillae, margins curved inwards, at the base touching the column, towards the apex touching each other, lip terminating in a small lobule. Column very short, in front with two parallel, narrow longitudinal lamellae with free prolonged apices; rostellum bidentate; stigma with 2 separate, cushion-shaped lobes. Anther short cordate, pointed. Pollinia 2, pear-shaped, with a longitudinal groove. (After Smith, 1905).
Sepals light green or brownish with white tips, petals white, lip yellowish white, to the apex light yellow, column greenish white .
Terrestrial in lowland forest.
Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, ?Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, New Guinea, Philippines, Australia, Solomon Islands, Carolines, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa.
Warm growing terrestrial, keep in shade in a humus-rich compost.
May, July, September, October.
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