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Dendrobium aridum

Dendrobium aridum

Dendrobium aridum J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 18 (1935) 42, pl. 9, 24.

Type: Docters van Leeuwen 10778 (holo L).

Rhizome short, roots thick. Stems crowded, erect, unbranched, slender, slightly flexuose, laterally compressed, 33 cm by 1 mm, internodes to 1.9 cm long. Leaf sheaths slightly transversely rugulose. Leaves erect, linear, 4.8 by 0.25 cm, papyraceous, apex obtusely bilobulate. Inflorescences laterally from the stems, 1-flowered, very short. Pedicel 0.23 cm long; ovary 0.2 cm long. Flower c. 0.8 cm across. Dorsal sepal 0.46 cm by 3 mm; mentum 0.4 cm long, broadly obtuse. Petals 0.48 cm by 1.6 mm. Lip 3-lobed, when flattened 0.58 by 0.4 cm; midlobe 0.28 by 0.35 cm. Column 0.15 cm long; column-foot 0.4 cm long.
(after Smith, 1935).

Sepals and petals light yellow, lip red.

Epiphyte in lower montane forest. Altitude 1200 m.

New Guinea (endemic).

Papua (Paniai Regency).

Intermediate growing epiphyte.


Dendrobium aridum should be compared with Dendrobium obovatum.

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Dendrobium aridum


Dendrobium aridum

Dendrobium aridum J.J.Sm., drawing J.J. Smith, based on Docters van Leeuwen 10778

Dendrobium aridum

Dendrobium aridum J.J.Sm., detail of holotype specimen: Docters van Leeuwen 10778 (L)

Dendrobium aridum

Dendrobium aridum J.J.Sm., holotype specimen: Docters van Leeuwen 10778 (L)