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Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, Rumphia 4 (1849) 41. pl. 193. fig. 4; pl. 198C.

Type: Type: Zippelius s.n. (New Guinea, locality not known) (holo L).


  • Dendrobium atropurpureum (Blume) Miq., Fl. Ned. IndiĆ« 3 (1859) 644.

Stems sometimes branching, 10-45 cm long, many-leaved. Leaves erect-patent, straight to subfalcate, ensiform, 5-6.3 cm long, carnose, apex very sharply acute. Inflorescences arising from between the leaves, sessile. Floral bracts ovate, apex acuminate. Sepals oblong, slightly keeled, apex acute. Petals smaller than the dorsal sepal. Lip spathulate-oblong, longer and more fleshy than the sepals, swollen towards the middle, below near the apex with an acute wart, lateral margins thinner, recurved, minutely erose, apex retuse. Fruit ellipsoid, almost triangular in cross section.
(after Blume).

Flower purple.

Epiphyte in coastal forest.

?Moluccas, New Guinea.


Warm growing epiphyte.

Not recorded.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Podochileae
  • Subtribe Eriinae
  • Genus Oxystophyllum
  • Species Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Dendrobium atropurpureum will probably turn out to be a widespread species, once the species of genus Oxystophyllum have been clarified.

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Oxystophyllum atropurpureum


Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, from Rumphia 4 (1849) pl. 193, fig. 4 (drawn by Latour in New Guinea)

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, from Rumphia 4 (1849) pl. 198C

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, holotype specimen: Zippelius 7 (L)

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, detail of holotype specimen: Zippelius s.n. (L)

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum

Oxystophyllum atropurpureum Blume, plant habit, cult. and photo by Reza Saputra, from Indonesia, Papua Barat Prov., Sorong City