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Crepidium kortylewskianum

Crepidium kortylewskianum

Crepidium kortylewskianum (Marg.) Schuit. & de Vogel -- Malesian Orchid J. 9 (2011) 6.

Type: Sterley 1717 (holo L)


  • Pseudoliparis kortylewskiana Marg., Ann. Bot. Fennici 42: 267—291, fig. 1-17

Plant 8—18 cm high, erect, solitary or in small clusters. Rhizome short, 0.28—0.45 cm. Leafy stem with few internodes, erect, fusiform, nearly completely covered by leaf petioles, sheaths, and loose basal scales, 2.4—3.8 by 0.24—0.56 cm. Leaves 3—5; petiole 0.5—1 by 0.3—0.7 cm wide when spread; leaf sheath 0.7—1.1 by 0.25—0.6cm; leaf blade oblique, broadly ovate to ovate, distinctly attenuate, 2.6.-5.6 by 1.8—3.5 cm; apex acuminate; 3—5-nerved.. Inflorescence elongate, rather densely 20—35.. flowered, c. 14.2 cm long; peduncle c. 6.6 cm long; raceme c. 7.6 cm tall. Sterile bracts, reflexed, few, lanceolate, attenuate, 0.07—0.09 by 0.15—0.18 cm; apex acuminate; 1—3-nerved, main nerve thicker and more distinct. Floral bracts reflexed, lanceolate, attenuate, 0.35—0.68 by 0.06—0.13 cm; apex acuminate; 1-nerved. Pedicel 0.2—03 by 0.04—0.06 cm; ovary 0.16—0.22 by 0.07—0.09 cm. Flowers 1—1.2 cm. Median sepal orbicular to broadly obovate, 0.5—0.55 by c. 0.5 cm; base obcordate; apex broadly rounded with apiculate tip. Lateral sepals oblique, broadly ovate, attenuate, 0.45—0.46 by 0.3—0.35 cm; base obliquely obcordate; apex apiculate. Petals falcate, oblanceolate, 0.54—0.55 by c. 0.15 cm; base cuneate; apex obtuse. Lip hippocrepiform in general outline, separated from the auricles by a slight indentation, 0.48—0.5 by 0.5—0.6 cm; lamina abbreviate and broad, 0.2—0.22 by with apiculate apex, lamellae parallel, 0.15—0.17 by 0.01—0.042 cm high and thick, disappearing about halfway the lamina, area between the lamellae flat and broad, its top triangular; auricles parallel to spreading, obliquely triangular, 0.27—0.3 by 0.17—0.13 cm; apex obtuse. Column erect, 0.16—0.18 by 0.08—0.09 cm, with a 1.3—1.4 mm; distal margin below the anther with a large, flat and broad, strongly bent-down appendage, 0.04—0.05 by 0.02—0.025 cm; staminodes erect, shorter than the anther, oblong-ovate 0.03—0.035 mm long, 0.02—0.03 cm; apex obtuse. Anther 0.04—0.05 by c. 0.04 cm; rostellum with a shallow indentation at distal margin.
(after Margoñska, 2005)

Leaf blade medium green, paler so below. Flower yellowish green; lamellae on lip dark coloured; area between the lamellae with a dark chocolate-brown to nearly black, shining stripe. Column in apical half tinged greenish. Anther pale-yellow to cream-colour; rostellum greenish.
(after Margoñska, 2005)

Terrestrial in wet and shady forest, growing among minute mosses on humus covered by leaf litter. Altitude 2540m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea. Simbu Prov. ; see map

Cold growing terrestrial.


Crepidium kortylewskiana resembles Crepidium gregorii, from which it differs mainly by the ovate to broadly ovate leaves, the differently shaped lip, the lamellae which vanish below the lamina tip, and the characteristic dark stripe between lamellae. The column is stout, with a distinct appendage and only a shallow indentation at the distal margin of the rostellum.
(after Margonska, 2005)

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Crepidium kortylewskianum

Crepidium kortylewskianum (Marg.) Schuit. & de Vogel (as Pseudoliparis kortylewskiana) in Marg., Ann. Bot. Fenn. 42(4) (2005) 289, fig. 17. Drawing by Hanna B. Margoñska.