Pinalia serrulata Ormerod -- Malesian Orchid J. 7 (2011) (2011) 81, fig. 4.
Type: P.J. Eyma 5160 (holo AMES; iso BRI, L).
Rhizome creeping, terete, to 8.5 by 0.5—0.6 cm, with several terete, pubescent roots. Stems approximate, erect, terete, 12—21.5 by 0.2—0.4 cm, 4—5-leaved apically; internode sheaths tubular, 3.5—4.2 cm long; apex obliquely truncate, acute. Leaves ligulate-lanceolate, 10.5—14.5 x 1.25—1.7 cm; base subpetiolate; apex subacute to acute; thin. Inflorescences axillary, emerging from between and below leaf bases, up to 5 per stem, 8.3—10 cm long, sublaxly many-flowered; floral bracts reflexed, ovate-elliptic, 0.4 by 0.18—0.2 cm; apex acute. Flower moderately pubescent on outside of mentum and very bases of sepals, colour unknown. Pedicel and ovary subclavate, 0.4—0.6 cm long, moderately pubescent. Median sepal oblong, 0.79 by c. 0.2 cm; apex subacute; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely lanceolate, 0.9 by 0.28—0.29 m; apex acute; 3-nerved. Petals oblong-lanceolate, 0.82 by 0.21—0.22 cm; apex subacute; 3-nerved. Lip pandurate, 0.41 by 0.19 cm; along median margins minutely serrulate; apex obtuse; 5-nerved. Column semi-terete, c. 0.175—0.18 cm long; column foot 0.175 cm long.
(after Ormerod 2011)
Flower colour unknown.
Unknown. Altitude 1750 m.
Malesia (Indonesia, Papua)
Indonesia, Papua Province, Nabire Regency.,
Cool growing epiphyte.
August, September.
Pinalia serrulata resembles P. pandurata Schltr. but differs in the more slender stems, flowers with moderately pubescent pedicel and ovary (versus almost glabrous), and lip with serrulate (versus entire median margins).
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