Agrostophyllum daymanense

Agrostophyllum daymanense

Agrostophyllum daymanense Ormerod, Orchadian 16 (2011) 567, fig.

Type: L.J. Brass 22960 (holo AMES).

Epiphytic herb. Roots terete, pubescent. Stems caespitose, compressed, laxly 11-leaved, 52.5 by c. 0.5 cm; lower 35 cm completely covered by complanate leaf sheaths, leaves more widely spaced in upper 19.5 cm exposing internodes for 2.5-6.5 cm. Leaves linear-ligulate, 10-20 by 1-1.15 cm; leaf sheaths compressed, exposed part 5-7 by 0.5-0.8 cm, with deltate stipules to 0.1 cm long; apex short bidentate with a broad apiculus. Inflorescence terminal, with numerous bracts and sheaths, many flowered, c. 2.5 by 2 cm. Pedicel and ovary clavate, 0.65 cm long. Median sepal ovate, 0.59 by 0.38 cm; apex acute; midrib weakly keeled; 4-5-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely ovate-elliptic, 0.8 by 0.45 cm; apex acute, midrib weakly keeled in apical quarter; 3-nerved, one lateral nerve branched. Petals oblong- elliptic; apex obtuse, 0.55 by 0.25 cm. Lip 3-lobed, 0.8 cm long; hypochile spurred-saccate, 0.35 by 0.2 cm, with rounded-truncate lateral lobes; ligula subquadrate, bidentate, papillose-pubescent; epichile trilobulate, transversely elliptic, c. 0.45 by 0.63 cm, its midlobe transversely oblong-elliptic, emarginate, bilobulate, c. 0.09 by 0.3 cm. Column stout, 0.27 cm long.
(after Ormerod 2011)

Leaf sheaths with black margin. Flowers white.

Low growing epiphyte in mossy forest. Altitude 2150 m.

Malesia (New Guinea), endemic

Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay Province).

Cool growing epiphyte.

Not recorded.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum daymanense

Agrostophyllum daymanense is similar to A. pelorioides Schltr. but has longer stems (52.5 versus 30 cm), shorter leaves (to 20 versus 28 cm) and a shorter pedicel and ovary (0.65 versus 0.8 cm).

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Agrostophyllum daymanense

Agrostophyllum daymanense Ormerod. Drawing by Paul Ormerod in Orchadian 16 (2011) 567, fig., based on the type: L.J. Brass 22960.