Prev Taxon: Genus Agrostophyllum
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Agrostophyllum habbemense Ormerod -- Orchadian 16(12): 569 (fig.). 2011
Type: L.J. Brass 10599 (holo AMES; iso BRI).
Epiphytic herb. Roots terete, pubescent, 0.08-0.2 cm thick. Stems caespitose, covered with complanate sheaths, laxly foliose, 21.0-44.7 by 0.25-0.35 cm. Leaves linear-ligulate, 2.5-3 cm apart, 4.7-by 0.25-0.3 cm; leaf sheaths persistent, relatively long, oblique, exposed part 3.6-4 cm long, the stipules deltate, acute to bidentate, 0.02-0.035 cm long; apex unequally bidentate, the lobes 0.1-0.25 cm long, mucro short. Inflorescence terminal, with bracts and sheaths, 1-2 flowered, c. 1.5-1.8 by 0.6-0.7 cm. Pedicel and ovary terete, 1.3 cm long. Median sepal ovate-elliptic, 0.99 by 0.41 cm; apex subacute. Lateral sepals obliquely ovate-elliptic; apex acuminate, dorsally keeled, c. 1.05 by 0.475 cm. Petals irregularly oblong, 0.81 by 0.285 cm; apex subacute; 3-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, 1.05 cm long; hypochile with low oblique lateral lobes, medially with a small callus, c. 0.3 by 0.22 cm; ligula subquadrate, shortly bidentate, with an obtuse mucro, papillose pubescent, raised c. 0.1 cm above the lateral lobes; epichile subtrapeziform, broadly apiculate, c. 0.75 by 0.89 cm, midlobule transversely oblong, 0.3-0.33 by 0.6 cm. Column c. 0.4 cm long.
(after Ormerod 2011)
Leaf sheaths often without black margin, turning yellowish to grey when old. Flowers white, lip with a yellow patch at base of epichile.
Montane forest in valley, low on tree trunks, 2800 m.
Malesia (New Guinea), endemic.
Indonesia (Papua Province, Regency).
Cool growing epiphyte.
Agrostophyllum habbemense is unique in its laxly leaved stems with flattened sheaths, short narrow leaves (to 7 cm long), short leaf sheath stipules, 1-2 flowered inflorescences with relatively large flowers and a subtrapeziform lip epichile with a transversely oblong midlobe.
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