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Agrostophyllum milneanum

Agrostophyllum milneanum

Agrostophyllum milneanum Ormerod, Orchadian 17 (2011) 38,; fig.

Type: L.J. Brass 22380 (holo AMES).

Epiphytic herb. Roots terete, pubescent, 0.1-0.15 cm thick. Rhizome fragment 3 by 0.25 cm thick. Stems caespitose, rather flat, covered by leaf sheaths, 29-41 by 0.10-0.25 cm, 0.3-0.6 cm wide across leaf sheaths, at the base subterete, leaves rather dense to rather lax. Leaves 1.5-2.3 cm apart, linear-ligulate, 6.8- 11.2 by 0.30-0.55 cm; apex deeply bidentate, the lobes to 0.2 cm long,with a narrowly deltate mucro; leaf sheaths exposed part 1.1-2.5cm long, with deltate to lanceolate, acute, fragile stipules 0.05-0.3 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, with sheaths and bracts, few-flowered, 1.5-2.3 by 0.6-1 cm. Pedicel and ovary subfusiform, c. 0.85 cm long. Median sepal oblong-elliptic 0.74 by 0.295 cm; apex subacuminate,the midrib low keeled in the apical quarter; 3-nerved with branching lateral veins. Lateral sepals obliquely oblong-elliptic, 0.85 by 0.3 cm; inner margins joined for 0.4 cm to form a synsepalum; apex subacuminate; midrib keeled towards apex; 3-nerved. Petals lanceolate, 0.68 by 0.185 cm; apex acute; 3-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, c. 0.95 cm long; hypochile oblongoid with oblique lateral lobes, c. 0.4 by 0.2 cm wide; ligula rectangular, shallowly bidentate, papillose-pubescent, raising c. 0.175 cm above the lateral lobes; epichile 3-lobulate, transversely elliptic-flabellate, 0.55 by 0.8 cm, with transversely oblong midlobe, its apex obtuse, broad, c. 0.1 by 0.3 cm. Column slender, 4.5 mm long, with deltate, acute wings and a retrorse uncinate substigmatic process (in lateral view).
(after Ormerod 2011).

Leaf sheaths with a black margin. Flowers white.

Montane forest epiphyte on the base of tree trunks, forming large clumps. Altitude 2230 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay Province).

Cool growing epiphyte.


  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum

Agrostophyllum milneanum is similar to A. leucocephalum sensu Schltr. 1912 (non 1905), still not formally named, differing in the oblongoid hypochile (not subglobose), the shallowly bidentate ligula (not deeply bidentate) and the column with an uncinate substigmatic appendage (not rounded).

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Agrostophyllum milneanum

Agrostophyllum milneanum Ormerod. Drawing by Paul Ormerod in Orchadian 17 (2011) 38,; fig., based on the type: L.J. Brass 22380.