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Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. peloricum

Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. peloricum

Ormerod, Orchadian 17 (2012) 180, fig.

Type: LAE 58510 (Stevens & Lelean) (holo L; iso K; LAE).

Epiphytic herb. Roots terete, 0.15 cm thick. Stems subcompressed, covered by leaf sheaths, sublaxly 7-leaved, 13.5-19.0 by 0.6 cm thick at the base, 0.9-3.0 cm wide across the sheaths above. Leaves erect, small ones ovate to ovate-lanceolate, larger ones ligulate to oblong-ligulate, 4.0-17.5 by 1.60-2.35 cm; leaf sheaths exposed part 3.0-5.5 cm by 1.1-1.5 cm; stipules deltate to obliquely deltate, acute to obtuse, to 2 mm long; apex tridentate. Inflorescence terminal, with numerous bracts, sheaths and flowers, to 1.5 by c. 3.5 cm, in fruit 4-5 cm wide. Pedicel and ovary cylindric-clavate, 0.6-0.7 cm long; capsules fusiform, costate, c. 1.5 by 0.35 cm. Flowers possibly self-fertilising. Median sepal broadly ovate, 0.575 by 0.35 cm wide, weakly carinate towards apex; apex acute; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals ovate, 0.575 by 0.32 cm, carinate near apex; apex thickly apiculate; 3-nerved. Petals oblong-lanceolate, 0.48 by 0.22 cm; apex acute; 3-nerved. Lip entire, broadly oblong­lanceolate, 0.48 by 0.25 cm; ligula absent; apex acute; 3-nerved Column simple, semi-terete, 0.31 cm long; underside unadorned.
(after Ormerod 2012)

Leaf sheaths with a 0.1-0.2 cm wide translucent to black margin. Flowers whitish.

Moss forest dominated by Nothofagus.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea, East New Britain Prov.

Cool growing epipgyte


  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum flexuosum ssp. peloricum

Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. peloricum differs from Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. flexuosum in having peloric flowers in which the ligula between hypochile and epichile is wanting

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Agrostophyllum flexuosum subsp. peloricum

Agrostophyllum flexuosum Ormerod subsp. peloricum Ormerod, drawing by P. Ormerod in Orchadian 17 (2012) 180, fig.