Prev Taxon: Genus Agrostophyllum
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Agrostophyllum kerenganum Ormerod, Orchadian 17 (2012) 185, fig.
Type: LAE 55415 (Kerenga) (holo L; iso LAE).
Epiphytic herb. Roots, rhizome and lower part of stem not seen. Stem fragment compressed, • laxly leafy, 21.5 cm by 1 cm, 1.2-1.9 cm wide across sheaths. Leaves 4.8-6.2 cm apart from leaf sheath tip to leaf sheath tip, ligulate to ligulate-lanceolate, thinly coriaceous, 15.8-19.5 by 1.95-2.05 cm; leaf sheaths smoothly striate when dry, 4.5-7.2 by 0.7-1.25 cm; stipules agile, deltate, incurved, acute, to c. 0.1 cm long; apex obtuse, shortly mucronate. Inflorescence terminal, subglobose, composed of numerous bracts and sheaths, densely many flowered, c. 3.5 cm wide. Pedicel and ovary subcylindric-clavate, 0.8 cm long. Median sepal ovate-elliptic, 0.5 by 0.24 cm, weakly carinate in apical third; apex obtuse; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely ovate-lanceolate, carinate; apex acute; 3-nerved, 0.7 by , 0.295-0.3 cm (0.6 cm long along midrib). Petals oblong-lanceolate, 0.52 by 0.2 cm; apex obtuse; 3-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, c. 0.66 cm long; hypochile subglobose-saccate, c. 0.29 cm long; ligula a thick, obliquely deltate (in lateral section), obtusely emarginate callus that projects slightly over the base of the epichile; epichile trilobulate, widely ovate-reniform, c. 0.37 by 0.575 cm, with subacute apex. Column semiterete-clavate, 0.395 cm long.
(after Ormerod 2012)
Leaf sheaths with a 0.05-0.15 cm wide black margin. Flowers white with purple blotches (presumably a pair on the epichile).
Lowland rainforest. Altitude 150 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Papua New Guinea, West Sepik Prov.
Agrostophyllum kerenganum resembles A. potamophila Schltr. differs in the more laxly placed (4.8- 6.2 versus 3.85-4.5 cm apart) and longer leaves (15.8-19.5 versus to 14 cm long) that have shortly stipulate sheaths (versus without stipules).
Agrostophyllum kerenganum also resembles A. crassicaule Schltr. but differs in having thicker, semiterete stems (not compressed) with shorter leaves (9-13 versus 15.8-19.5 cm) and flowers with a smaller, less oblique ligula.
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