AgrostophylIum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense

AgrostophylIum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense

AgrostophylIum grubbianum Ormerod subsp. kaironkense Ormerod, Orchadian 17 (2012), fig.

Type: Gardner, R.O. 7273 (holo L; iso AK).

Epiphytic herb. Roots terete, growing back along rhizome and stem remnants, 0.15 cm thick. Stem laxly 6-8 leaved, forming fascicles of 3 on the rhizome, 25-34 by 0.30-0.35 cm across the sheaths; base semi-terete, higher up compressed. Leaves linear, obliquely erect, to 3.5 cm apart, 5.6-9.0 by 0.31-0.40 cm; stipules subulate, acute, 0,15- 0.25 cm long; apex bicuspidate, cusps 0.2-0.3 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, 1-flowered. Pedicel and ovary terete, glabrous, c. 1.5 cm long. Median sepal oblong-elliptic, 1.01 by 0.41 cm; apex subacute; 7-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely oblong-lanceolate, 1.25 by 0.4 cm (1.11 cm along the midrib); apical third with a low keel ; apex acute; 5-nerved. Petals oblong-oblanceolate, 1.01 by 0.38 cm; apex subacute; 5-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, c. 1.1 cm long; hypochile c. 0.3 by 0.2 cm wide 0.175 cm high, with a median callus and obtuse lateral lobes; ligula subquadrate, widely bidentate, papillose-pubescent on lateral margins, projecting c. 0.9 mm past lateral lobes; epichile ovate-trullate, c. 0.8 by 0.85 cm, base with 2 broad thickenings, margin irregular, with apiculate apex. Column semi-terete-clavate, 0.51 cm long (0.41 cm long without anther cap).
(After Ormerod, 2012)

Leaf sheaths often without black margin. Flowers white, lip (epichile?) with basal yellow patch.

Forest on a south facing slope. Altitude 1900 m.

Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).

Papua New Guinea, Madang Province; see map.

Cold growing epiphyte.


  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum grubbianum
  • Species Agrostophyllum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense

Agrostophyllum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense differs from A. grubbianum subsp. grubbianum in the more laxly leaved and longer stems (25-34 versus 17-20 cm), longer leaves (5.6- 9 versus 4.0-5.7 cm) and an ovate-trullate lip epichile (not rhombic).

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AgrostophylIum grubbianum subsp. kaironkense

AgrostophyIum grubbianum Ormerod subsp. kaironkense Ormerod, drawing by Paul Ormerod in Orchadian 17 (2012), after the holotype: Gardner 7273 (L)