Prev Taxon: Genus Agrostophyllum
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Agrostophyllum longinode Ormerod, Orchadian 17 (2012), fig.
Type: NGF 23204 (A.N. Millar) (holo U; iso BRI, CANB, LAE).
Terrestrial herb. Rhizome not seen. Roots terete, to 0.2 cm thick. Stems laxly 5-6 leaved, 53-54 cm by 0.25-0.30 cm; base subterete, higher up semi-complanate; parts not covered by sheaths 10.0-11.2cm long. Sheaths at base of stem c. 7 or more, brown, 1.0-7.5 cm long. Leaves grass-like, linear to linear-lanceolate, 10.-29.5 by 0.45-0.55 cm; leaf sheaths 3.5-11.6 cm long, split near the top for 1- 3.5 cm, without stipules; apex inequally ribbed, lobules with 0.05- 0.1 2 cm long irregular to subtruncate tips. Inflorescence terminal, nutant to erect, composed of numerous bracts, sheaths and some flowers, 2.0-2.5 by c. 1.5 cm; peduncle c. 1-1.2 cm long. Pedicel and ovary subfusiform, triquetrous-ovate in section, with narrow applanate wings on the ribs, c. 0.8 cm long. Median sepal oblong-lanceolate, c. 0.91 by 0.38 cm; apex acute; 5-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely oblong-lanceolate; upper third thickly carinate; apex acute; 5-nerved, 1.13 by 0.45 cm (1 cm along the midrib). Petals oblong-elliptic, 0.9 by 0.38 cm; apex subacute; 5-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, c. 1.12 cm long; hypochile shortly saccate, with broadly rounded lateral lobes, 0.275-0.3 cm by c. 0.2 cm; ligula subquadrate-cuneate, widely bidentate, papillose-pubescent, raising 0.13-0.15 cm past lateral lobes; epichile suborbicular, c. 0.82 by 0.95-1 cm, base with 2 low, fleshy pads, front lateral margins dentate. Column not raised, semi-terete, c. 0.425 cm long (without anther cap).
(After Ormerod, 2012)
Stems straw yellow when dry. Sheaths at base of stem brown. Leaf sheaths with black margin. Flowers white.
Grassland near water, 2710 m.
Malesia (New Guinea, endemic).
Papua New Guinea (Eastern Highlands Prov.); see map
Cold growing epiphyte.
Agrostophyllum longinode resembles A. graminifolium Schltr. but it is a more laxly leaved plant without stipules on the leaf sheaths (versus. stipulate), flowers with an entire, suborbicular epichile (versus trilobulate, trapeziform, rarely transversely elliptic) and a not-raised column (vs. obliquely erect, rarely almost unraised).
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