Agrostophyllum korubunense

Agrostophyllum korubunense

Agrostophyllum korubunense Ormerod, Malesian Orchid J. 13 (2014) 37, fig. 1.

Type: Leiden cult.20032229 (de Vogel, Bandisch, Vogel & Gravendeel), (holo L).

Epiphytic (?) herb. Rhizome and roots not seen. Stem laxly at least 5-leaved, transversely elliptic in cross-section, weakly flexuous, 16.5 by 1 cm; internodes partly exposed, 5.1–6.5 cm long. Leaves oblong-ligulate, 12.4–13.7 by 2.4–2.8 cm; leaf sheaths 4.1–7.6 by 1.3–1.6 cm; stipule deltate, subacute to obtuse, to 0.15 cm long; apex obtuse with a short apiculus. Inflorescence terminal, nutant, composed of numerous bracts, sheaths and flowers, c. 3.5 cm wide. Pedicel and ovary subterete, sparsely furfuraceous, 0.99 cm long. Median sepal ovate, not keeled, 0.52 by 0.28 cm; apex subacuminate; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals obliquely ovate-lanceolate; upper third with an irregularly bluntly dentate carina; apex subacuminate, 1(?)-nerved, 0.675 by 0.295 cm (0.6 cm long along midnerve). Petals obliquely lanceolate, 0.48–0.49 by 0.18 cm; apex acute to subacute; 1-nerved. Lip 3-lobed, 0.585 cm long; hypochile subglobose, 0.2 by 0.175 cm, 0.15 cm wide; ligula thick and fleshy, bilobed-emarginate; epichile triangular, 0.385 by 0.485 cm, with obtuse apex. Column semi-terete, obliquely erect, 0.4 cm long; apex with narrow triangular wings.

Leaf sheaths greyish-brown, with black-margin. Flowers with cream coloured sepals and petals, lip white with two pale violet longitudinal lines on epichile, column pale green, stelidia and below stigma maroon, anther whitish, tinged pale maroon.

Very disturbed primary montane forest 25 m tall, with little undergrowth, along stream, on steep mountain slope, 1800 m.

Malesia, New Guinea, endemic.

Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands Prov., see map

Cool growing epiphyte.

In cultivation in Leiden in March-April and July-October.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Undetermined
  • Subtribe Agrostophyllinae
  • Genus Agrostophyllum
  • Section Agrostophyllum
  • Species Agrostophyllum korubunense

Agrostophyllum korubunense is similar to A. elatum Schltr., sharing with it an emarginate-bilobed ligula between hypochile and epichile, but differs in having much narrower petals and a triangular lip epichile.

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Agrostophyllum korubunense

Agrostophyllum korubunense Ormerod, drawing Paul Ormerod in Malesian Orchid J. 13 (2014) 37, fig. 1, based on Leiden cult.20032229 (de Vogel, Bandisch, Vogel & Gravendeel)