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Bulbophyllum scaphioglossum J.J.Verm. & Rysy, Orchidee 65 (2014) 142, fFig. 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13.
Type: Rysy cult. s.n. (10-2013)
Epiphyte, rather small. Rhizome 0.4-0.5 cm diam.; rhizome scales not persistent. Pseudobulbs loosely clustered, 0.8-1.2 cm apart, (obliquely) erect, ovoid(conical), 1.5-2.5 by 0.7-1.0 cm, more or less rounded with fine longitudinal grooves. Leaf petiole 1.3-2.0 cm long; blade elliptic to obovate, 7.0-10.5 by 1.3-2.1 cm, index 5-7; apex acute. lnflorescence 7-8 cm long, 1- flowered. Peduncle 3.8-5.5 cm long; scales c. 2. Flora! bracts c. 0.75 cm long. Pedicel and ovary c. 0.28 cm long. Median sepal recurved to reflexed, elliptic-oblong, 3.3-3.6 by c. 0.4 cm, index 8.2-9; margins entire; apex minutely cuneate and acute; glabrous; 3-nerved. Lateral sepals recurved to reflexed, elliptic-oblong, slightly oblique, 3.2-3.6 by c. 0.45 cm, index 7.1-8.0. Petals porrect, ovate-triangular, c. 0.1 by 0.15-0.18 cm, index 0.5-0.7; margins distinctly erose towards the apex; apex obtuse; glabrous; 1-nerved. Lip slightly recurved, long elliptic, clawed, 2.7-3.1 by c. 0.52 cm, (when spread lip c. 0.85 cm wide), index 5.1-6.0; the very base deeply concave, cavity in front bordered by a transverse ridge and a convex crest; claw c. 0.15 cm wide (not spread); margins more or less entire, glabrous; apex obtuse; upper side at the base shortly slightly concave, then increasingly convex and with a prominent high ridge with a more or less sharp crest and concave sides up to the apex of the lip, surface glabrous; underside deeply concave and with a median furrow, surface rugose, particularly towards the median line. Column c. 0.28 cm long; stigma obovate-oblong, with a rounded median ridge just below its base; projection above the ligament thickened, rounded, transverse, concave, fitting into the basal cavity of the lip; stelidia inconspicuous, an oblong, somewhat obliquely cut-off structure including a slightly antrorse, deltoid, acute tooth along the upper and lower margin, c. 0.06 cm long; Anther with a distinct, rounded, papillose crest, median part hardly concave, drawn out into a deltoid, more or less acute beak.
(after Vermeulen & Rysy 2014)
Sepals and petals somewhat pale yellow-green; nerves red-brown near the base. Lip ochre-red, grading into red towards the base, or entirely light ochrish-brow; margins and crest of the median ridge orange-yellow or yellow. Column pale yellow-green, somewhat suffused red towards the apex.
Not recorded
Malesia (New Guinea), endemic
Tanah Papua (no locality)
Not indicated
In cultivation in October
Bulbophyllum scaphioglossum is most similar to B. fasciatum Schltr., but differs in the 1-nerved petals, with distinctly erose margins without a prominent lobe at the lower margin near the base.
In daytime the sepals are reflexed, they almost close during the night
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