Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum diplohelix J.J.Verm. & Rysy, Orchidee 65 (2014) 140

Type: Rysy cult. s.n.

Epiphyte, small, creeping. Rhizome c. 0.3 cm diam.; rhizome scales not persistent. Pseudobulbs 0.6-1.6 cm apart, erect; ovoid to ellipsoid to c. globose, 0.6-1.2 by 0.6-0.9 cm, obtusely 3-4-angled in section. Leaf petiole to 0.2 cm long; blade elliptic (-ovate), 2.1-4.7 by 1.4-2.1 cm, index 1.3- 2.4, with rounded apex. Inflorescence c. 18 cm long, 1-flowered; peduncle c. 15 cm long; scales c. 4; flora! bract c. 0.75 cm long. Pedicel and ovary c. 3.3 cm long. Median sepal c. porrect, elliptic, c. 0.6 by 0.35 cm, index c. 1.7; margins entire, shortly ciliolate; apex rounded and apiculate; inside and outside glabrous, towards the apex with a low median keel with a somewhat erose and papillose crest; 3-nerved with branching lateral nerves. Lateral sepals free but spiralling into each other except for the basal part, somewhat recurved, oblique and somewhat falcate towards the base, ovate with a long drawn-out apical part, c. 8 by 0.5 cm, index c.16; margins entire, the upper somewhat minutely papillose towards the base, outside minutely papillose towards the base, abaxially glabrous; apex acute; 3-nerved with the outer nerves branching. Petals porrect, obovate-oblong, c. 0.26 by 0.15 cm, index 1.7-1.8; margins entire, towards the apex shortly ciliolate with longer hairs in between which are slightly contracted at the base; inside minutely papillose towards the apex, outside glabrous; apex rounded; 1-nerved. Lip slightly recurved c. halfway, c. ovate with a slightly widened base, c. 0.37 by 0.09 cm, index c. 4.1 (without artificial spreading); margins somewhat erose, shortly ciliate in the basal part, grading into long, rather thick hairs towards the apex; surface glabrous; apex rounded; on upper side with a high transverse ridge just above the ligament, with a deep cavity beyond this ridge which in front is bordered by the lip margins which fold upwards so that they almost meet and then fold down again, with a low, flat callus in front of these folds, further slightly convex and with a somewhat wrinkled surface; below with a distinct ridge over most of its length, with a c. flat crest. Column c. 0.2 cm long; rostellum not protruding; stigma obovate­oblong; column foot not widened at the apex; stelidia porrect, oblong, obliquely cut-off with an antrorse, deltoid , obtuse tooth along the upper margin close to the apex, and a slightly antrorse, inconspicuous, deltoid, rounded wing along the lower, c. 0.4 mm long. (after Vermeulen & Rysy 2014)

Median sepal towards the base pale green, margins and nerves dark red towards the apex. Lateral sepals creamy-white, the base pale green with only few red markings, towards the base heavily stained dark red. Petals towards the base pale green, apical half including the hairs blackish-red. Lip dark red, hairs pink.

Not known.

Malesia (New Guinea), endemic

Indonesia (Papua)

Not indicateed

In cultivation in November

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Section Hoplandra
  • Species Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum diplohelix is most similar to Bulbophyllum contortisepalum with which it shares the twisted lateral sepals, but differs in that the petals do not have 3 teeth at the top margin and are there hairy, in the hairs on the margin of the lip, and in the more twisted lateral sepals

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Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum diplohelix J.J.Verm. & Rysy, flower, front view, photo and cult. Jeffrey Champion, from Tanah Papua, locality not known

Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum contortisepalum J.J.Sm. and B. diplohelix J.J.Verm. & Rysy, flowers, front view, photo and cult. Jeffrey Champion, from Tanah Papua, locality not known

Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum contortisepalum J.J.Sm. and B. diplohelix J.J.Verm. & Rysy, centre of flowers, front view, photo and cult. Jeffrey Champion, from Tanah Papua, locality not known

Bulbophyllum diplohelix

Bulbophyllum diplohelix J.J.Verm. & Rysy, flower analysis, drawing Jaap Vermeulen in Orchidee 65 (2014) 142, fig. 12