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Bulbophyllum myodes

Bulbophyllum myodes

Bulbophyllum myodes J.J.Verm., Nordic J. Bot. 26 (2008) 151, fig. 13

Type: Reeve 6601 (holo L), from PNG, Porgera District

Roots along the entire rhizome. Rhizome 2.5-6 mm in diameter, sections between pseudobulbs 11.5-18 (-?30) cm long, bract fibres somewhat persistent. Pseudobulbs 3.5-8 by 0.4-0.8 cm, distant, more or less cylindrical. Leaves: petiole 2.5-4 cm long; blade 9.5-19 by 3-6.5 cm, index (length/width) 1.7-3.7, elliptic to obovate, acute. Inflorescence 6-12 cm long, patent, 1-flowered or a 2-flowered subumbellate raceme; peduncle 3.5-5 cm; non-floriferous bracts c. 6, the longest 9-17 mm long; floral bracts 11-17 by 10-14 mm, ovate, acute. Flowers resupinate, not fully opening. Pedicel-with-ovary 7-10 mm long, basal node more or less flush with the surface of the rachis; ovary densely papillose, ovary ribs rounded, straight. Dorsal sepal 25-26 by 8.5-9 mm, index c. 2.9, more or less porrect, elliptic to ovate, acuminate, margins entire, base rather narrowly attached, rather thin, glabrous. Lateral sepals 27-29 by 13-14 mm, index c. 2, free, oblique, recurved, triangular, base broadly attached, otherwise as the dorsal sepal. Petals 15-16 by 5-7 mm, index 2.2-3, more or less porrect, elliptic, acuminate, margins entire, base rather narrowly attached, rather thin, glabrous. Lip 12-14 by c. 5 mm, index 1.4-2.4 (not flattened), recurved in the basal half, ovate, rounded, margins entire, very thick; adaxially concave near the base, with 2 distinct, parallel, narrow, obtuse ridges running close to the margins over most of the length of the lip, top part convex, surface smooth but ridges proximally papillose and distally with thick, club-shaped hairs up to 1-4 mm long; abaxially with a retuse median ridge up to half of the length of the lip, surface smooth. Column 4.5-6 mm long; stigma inside with three keels, at its base without teeth; foot without tooth just above the ligament; stelidia 2-2.7 mm long, triangular, acute, with or without a minute, antrorse, deltoid, subacute tooth along the upper margin, lower margin with a somewhat antrorse, (narrowly) triangular, (sub-)acute tooth c. half-way along the column or slightly below; anther-cap abaxially glabrous and with a narrow, obtuse crest towards the tip, front margin not drawn out, entire; pollinia 4, the inner slightly shorter than the outer and much more flattened, with a fleshy hamulus. (After Vermeulen, 2008)

Sepals and petals yellowish green or green with reddish purple spots and/or nerves, lip purplish red, yellow abaxially near the base and sometimes adaxially near the tip, hairs on lip white, column cream-coloured, foot stained with some reddish purple.

Malesia (New Guinea).

Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea; see map

Distribution of Bulbophyllum myodes in New Guinea

May, July.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Section Beccariana
  • Species Bulbophyllum myodes

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Bulbophyllum myodes

Overview picture of Bulbophyllum myodes J.J.Verm.

Bulbophyllum myodes

Bulbophyllum myodes J.J.Verm., flowers, photo T. M. Reeve, based on Reeve 6601

Bulbophyllum myodes

Bulbophyllum myodes J.J.Verm., flowers, photo T. M. Reeve, based on Reeve 6601

Bulbophyllum myodes

Bulbophyllum myodes J.J.Verm., Nordic J. Bot. 26 (2008) 151, fig. 13, J.J.Vermeulen, drawing, plant habit and flower analysis, based on Reeve 6601 (holo L), from PNG, Porgera District