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Bulbophyllum clemensiorum J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel. 2014. Phytotaxa 166 (2): 107
Type: Clemens 12008 (AMES 60625)
Small epiphyte; rhizome creeping. Pseudobulbs 1 cm long, 2 mm in diameter, clustered, fusiform to narrowly ovoid. Leaves petiolate, 5 cm long including the petiole, c. 6 mm wide, the petiole c. 1 cm long; blade linear, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence about 7 cm long, exceeding the leaf, lateral, with two small apiculate peduncle-scales about 4 mm long. Median sepal 1011 by 4 mm, elliptic or oblanceolate, acute, with three main nerves, margins minutely undulate. Lateral sepals about 14 by 6 mm, oblong, slightly oblique, apiculate, 3-to 5-nerved, decurrent on the column. Petals 5 by 2.5 mm, oblong, apiculate, 1-nerved, strongly winged dorsally along the nerve. Lip about 10 mm long and 5 mm deep, clawed, boat-shaped and saccate especially towards the apex, apex with a short recurved apicule, base of the sac with two lamellate calli 34 mm long, with two small erect lanceolate auricles about 1.5 mm long and a small lamellate callus about 1 mm long at the apex of the small claw (or at the base of the lip). Column about 1 mm long, with two terminal, erect, subulate stelidia; column foot about 2 mm long; anther about 1.25 mm long, apparently erect; pollinia in two deeply sulcate ellipsoid bodies.
(After Williams, 1947)
Flowers golden yellow with wine-red lip.
Epiphyte in moss near the ground in boggy forest; 1700 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Intermediate growing epiphyte, requires shaded position.
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