Peristylus ciliolatus J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 2, 13 (1914) 53
Type: Pulle 1096; Pulle (Versteeg) 2490 (iso L)
Stem elongated, the part below the leaves thin, with a few tubular cataphylls, not rooting [probably attached to a tuber], 7-14 cm long, the leafy part 3.25-5 cm long, thicker, sometimes sparsely rooting. Leaves 7-12, alternating, rather distant, widely patent or patent, with recurved apex, sessile, clasping, ovate, gradually narrowed towards the apex, acute, concave, in the basal part with more or less recurved margins, dorsally keeled, very minutely denticulate-ciliolate, nerves curved, c. 7, above prominently reticulate-veined, in total 1-3.3 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide; leaf-sheaths tubular, angular. Inflorescence erect, elongated, laxly or rather densely several-flowered; peduncle angular, 7.75-21 cm long; peduncle-scales small, c. 5-6, appressed, tubular, in the apical part triangular-lanceolate, gradually acuminate or subulate-acuminate, concave, the upper ones resembling the floral bracts, to 2.2 cm long or more; rachis flexuose, angular, 5.5-8.75 cm long. Floral bracts appressed to the ovary, triangular or oblong-triangular, acuminate or subulate-acuminate, acute, concave, dorsally with obtuse, prominent mid-rib, 3-nerved, the lower bracts to 0.75-1.1 cm long, the upper ones smaller. Flowers 6-24, patent, turned to all sides, very small, including the spur 0.6-0.7 cm long. Median sepal together with the petals forming a helmet-shaped structure, horizontal, ovate, 0.25-0.33 by 0.16-0.2 cm, subtruncate, slightly retuse, concave, 1-nerved, the nerve not reaching the apex. Lateral sepals divergent, obliquely subelliptic-elliptic, 0.3-0.43 by 0.15-0.17 cm, at the base contracted and long adnate to the basal margins of the lip, with obtuse apex, concave, dorsally keeled, 1-nerved, the nerve dorsally below the apex ending in a short obtuse mucro. Petals erect, obliquely triangular, obtuse, subretuse, at the base broadly adnate to the lip and column, with the basal corners rounded in front, concave, 2-nerved, 0.23-0.33 cm long, at the base (the part adnate to the lip) 0.16-0.18 cm wide. Lip subentire, long adnate to the column, spurred, including the spur 0.55-0.66 cm long, the part adnate to the column 0.1-0.13 cm long; free blade porrect, ovate-triangular, when flattened 0.17 by 0.15-0.17 cm, obtuse, fleshy, concave, underneath convex; basal lobules short, widely patent, triangular, obtuse, or nearly semiorbicular; the whole blade more or less hastate, 3-nerved, at the base in front of the column with a transverse, broad, fairly tall, nearly semiorbicular-ring-like callus; spur parallel to the ovary, pointing backwards, curved, at the apex inflated, obliquely clavate, broadly obtuse or retuse, 0.35-0.37 cm long. Column in total 0.14 cm long, auricles frontal, short, obtuse, adnate to the lip; stigmatophores entirely adnate to the lip. Ovary erect, in the apical part recurved, rather thick, twisted, 6-grooved, narrowed into a distinct but fairly thick beak, in total 0.6 cm long, beak 0.16 cm long. Anther erect, dorsally convex and making an obtuse angle with the column, broadly cucullate, obtuse; thecae closely spaced, parallel, opening along a longitudinal slit. Fruit erect, oblong-fusiform, rostrate, topped with the withered flower, dehiscing along 6 rims, in total 1.2 cm long, beak 0.27 cm long. (After Smith, 1915)
Flower green or yellowish-green.
Terrestrial in boggy subalpine grassland; 759 to 3750 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Cool growing terrestrial, requires light position.
February, June, August, October.
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