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Phreatia alpina J.J.Sm., Meded. Rijks-Herb. 23 (1915) 19
Type: Pulle (Versteeg) 2402 (holo BO; iso L 2x)
Rhizome creeping, branched, rooting, covered with large, overlapping, acute sheaths. Pseudobulbs 0.4-1.1 cm apart, very small, 2-leaved. Leaves erect, unequal-sized, articulated, linear, more or less unequally obtusely 2-lobulate, with a thick apicule between the lobules, slightly narrowed towards the base, in the apical part with somewhat erose margins, above obtusely channelled, on either side of the channel convex, below obtusely convex with prominent mid-rib, c. 7-nerved, the smaller leaf 4-5.5 cm long, the larger leaf 10 cm long, when dried 0.14-0.25 cm wide, when rehydrated 0.27-0.33 cm wide; sheaths erect, at the base dilated and tubular, above channelled and with membranous margins, 1.1-1.7 cm long. Inflorescences ascending, mostly a little longer than the leaves, laxly rather many-flowered; peduncle 5.5-11 cm long; peduncle-scales small, c. 5-6, tubular, in the apical part dilated, the upper ones acuminate, the basal ones closely spaced, to 0.9-1.3 cm long; rachis angular, 2.5-4 cm long. Floral bracts appressed, broadly almost 5-angular-rhombic, abruptly subulate-acuminate, acute, concave, with irregular margins, 1-nerved, to 0.35-0.4 cm long. Flowers widely patent, 0.45 cm long. Median sepal erect, almost reflexed, ovate, gradually obtusely pointed, 1-nerved, 0.26 by 0.14 cm. Lateral sepals porrect, obliquely ovate, acute, concave, 1-nerved, 0.32 by 0.18 cm; mentum very short, rounded, pointing backwards. Petals porrect, oblong-ovate, obtuse, along the lower margins above the base obtusely, 1-nerved, 0.2 by 0.12 cm. Lip porrect, clawed, concave, with recurved and undulate margins, 3-nerved, when flattened 0.25 cm long; claw subquadrangular, at the base dilated, concave, with two gland-like calli, 0.07 cm long; blade broadly semi-elliptic-triangular, obtuse, at the base subtruncate, angles obtuse, puberulous-papillose, 0.18 by 0.23 cm. Column very short, at the apex truncate, at the base constricted, dorsally convex, 0.07 cm long; clinandrium deeply concave; rostellum shortly bidentate; stigma transversely oblong, with raised lower margins; column-foot making an acute angle with the ovary, incurved, 0.05 cm long. Anther cucullate, suborbicular-cordate, broadly obtuse, at the base 4-lobulate, 0.06 cm wide; pollinia subglobose. Ovary pedicellate, clavate, 0.3-0.33 cm long.
(After Smith, 1916)
Flower white.
Epiphyte in montane forest; 2900 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Cool growing epiphyte.
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