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Phreatia amabilis

Phreatia amabilis

Phreatia amabilis P.Royen, Alp. Fl. New Guinea 2 (1979) 764, fig.

Type: Hoogland & Pullen 5532 (holo CANB; iso L)

Epiphytic, very rarely terrestrial herbs in small to large tufts or mats. Stems none or well developed, simple. Pseudobulbs none or developed with 1-3 apical leaves. Leaves close together, articulate, duplicative in bud, flat or equitant, thin or fleshy; sheaths usually rather compressed. Inflorescence a few-. to many-flowered raceme, in leaf axils or in axil of sheaths at base of pseudobulbs. Floral bracts small. Flowers usually resupinate, small. Lateral sepals free, rarely connate at base, oblique, decurrent along column-foot, forming a mentum. Lateral petals free, smaller than sepals. Lip immobile, usually clawed, base usually hollowed out or sometimes saccate, rarely claw with a short forward directed spur, on inside with 2 nectaries. Stelidia 2, usually short, dentate. Anther inclined, connective usually umbonate. Pollinia 8, on a common stipe and one single viscid disk. Rostellum short, 2-dentate. Capsule 3-valved.
(After van Royen, 1979)

Flowers usually light green, light yellow, yellowish green, or white.

Epiphyte in forest and on tree ferns in grassland; 1800 to 3000 m.

Malesia (New Guinea).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution map

Cool growing epiphyte, requires light position.

July, August.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Podochileae
  • Subtribe Thelasiinae
  • Genus Phreatia
  • Section Rhizophyllum
  • Species Phreatia amabilis

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Phreatia amabilis

Phreatia amabilis P.Royen, habit & floral analysis, drawing P. van Royen in Alpine Flora of New Guinea 2 (1979) fig. 263, based on Hoogland & Pullen 5532

Phreatia amabilis

Phreatia amabilis P.Royen, herbarium sheet, Hoogland & Pullen 5532 (isotype specimen L)