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Phreatia cucullata J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 19 (1908) 32
Type: Versteeg 1531 (holo BO; iso L)
Stem very short, c. 4-6-leaved. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, at the base narrowed, conduplicate, 2.3-6.7 by 0.4-1 cm, apex unequally bilobulate, midrib grooved above, keeled below, somewhat fleshy; sheath broader than the base of the leaf, 0.4-1 cm long. Inflorescence axillary, laxly many-flowered, surpassing the leaves; peduncle 2-5.5 cm long, peduncle-scales c. 3, tubular, somewhat widened, acuminate, keeled, 0.35-0.75 cm long; rachis 2.5-5 cm long. Bracts broadly patent, with incurved apical margins, strongly concave, rhombic, acute, narrow at the base, 0.2-0.23 by 0.14-0.16 cm. Flowers widely patent, very small, 0.13 cm wide. Median sepal broadly ovate, rounded, concave, about 0.1 by 0.07 cm. Lateral sepals broadly obliquely ovate-triangular, obtuse, concave, 0.1 cm long, at the base 0.14 cm wide; mentum rounded. Petals broadly almost square-rhomboid, slightly 3-lobulate, obtuse, 1-nerved, 0.06 cm long and wide. Lip clawed, when flattened 0.13 cm long; claw almost orbicular, constricted below the blade, strongly concave; blade broadly triangular, obtuse, basal corners rounded, concave, inside papillose, 0.06 long, 0.1 cm wide. Column very short, 0.04 cm long; column-foot making an acute angle with the ovary, apex incurved, concave, 0.05 cm long. Anther transverse, semiorbicular-reniform. Ovary 0.16 cm long; pedicel thinner, 0.14 cm long.
(After Smith, 1909)
Flower white.
Epiphyte in lowland forest; 300 to 1200 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Warm growing epiphyte.
April, July, September.
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